1. Clothe your enemy with gentleness and calm,
Blessed is he who dons patience as his cloak forever,
١. أَلبِس عَدوَّكَ في رِفقٍ وَفي دعَةٍ
طوبي لِذي إِربَةٍ لِلدَهرِ لَبّاسِ
2. And do not let hatreds wrapped up mislead you,
For even the bloody back may yet be ridden with fine saddles,
٢. وَلا تَغُرَّنكَ أَحقادٌ مُزَمَّلَةٌ
قَد يُركَب الدَّبِرُ الدامي بِأَحلاسِ
3. And dispense with all who are of kin and womb,
For the man who can do without people is blessed.
٣. وَاستَغنِ عَن كُلِّ ذي قُربى وَذي رَحِمٍ
إِنَّ الفَتى الَّذي استَغنى عَنِ الناسِ