1. Oh deliver on my behalf a message to Ziyad
For the messenger may convey to the robed pilgrim
١. أَلا أَبلِغا عَنّي زِياداً رِسالَةً
فَقَد يُبلِغُ الحاجَ الرَسولُ المُغَلغِلُ
2. The sign that passion for you is my nature
I have professed it in jest and sincerity
٢. بِآيَةِ أَنَّ الوَلعَ مِنكَ سَجِيَّةٌ
لَهِجتَ بِها فيما تَجِدُّ وَتَهزِلُ
3. You give with your tongue but in reality
Your possessions are naught but from your tongue
٣. وَأَنَّكَ تُعطي بِاللسانَ وَلا يُرى
مَتاعُكَ الّا مِن لِسانِكَ يَفضُلُ
4. Your tongue is sweet but you are fickle
And without wealth you are stingy and spiteful
٤. لِسانُكَ مَعسولٌ فَأَنتَ مُمَزَّجٌ
وَنَفسُكَ دونَ المالِ صابٌ وَحَنظَلُ
5. You speak and whoever hears says you will act
Yet behind it is a door of stinginess shut fast
٥. تَقولُ فَمَن يَسمَع يَقُل أَنتَ فاعِلٌ
وَمِن دونِهِ بابٌ مِنَ الشُحِّ مُقفَلُ
6. You have kindness yes but it is such
That it seduces the unaware innocent as such
٦. نَعَم مِنكَ لا مَعروفَةٌ غَيرَ أَنَّها
تَغُرُّ ويَرجوها الضَعيفُ المُغَفَّلُ
7. So say no and make no gesture of perhaps or yes
And do not say I will when you say no
٧. فَقُل لا وَلا تَعرِض بِها أَو نَعَم وَلا
تَقُل لا إِذا ما قُلتَ إِنّي سَأَفعَلُ
8. And with truth face your discourse for it is
More proper, nearer righteousness and most apt
٨. وَبِالصِدقِ فاستَقبِل حَديثَكَ إِنَّهُ
أَصَحُّ وَأَدنى لِلسَّدادِ وَأَمثَلُ
9. And if you must refuse then do it with grace
For a man may refuse yet gentle in his case
٩. وَأَجمِل إِذا ما كُنتَ لا بُدَّ مانِعاً
فَقَد يَمنَعُ الشيءَ الفَتى وَهوَ مُجمِلُ
10. And we have no good if you are miserly
Better the words yes then you become stingy
١٠. وَلا عِندَنا خَيرٌ إِذا كُنتَ باخِلاً
وَأَروَحُ مِن قَولٍ نَعَم ثُمَّ تَبخَلُ
11. If no is hard on you and not easy to say
The other is harder and weighs more in its way
١١. فَإِن ثَقُلَت لا وَهيَ غَيرُ خَفيفَةٍ
عَلَيكَ فَلَلأُخرى أَشَدُّ وَأَثقَلُ
12. If it is not said with truth and there was none
When tested it is but misleading confusion
١٢. إِذا هيَ لَم تُنفَذ بِصِدقٍ وَلَم يَكُن
إِذا اختُبِرت إِلّا الضَلالُ المُضَلِّلُ