
Each man is akin to some shape of mankind

لكل امرىء شكل من الناس مثله

1. Each man is akin to some shape of mankind
And each man inclines towards who resembles him

١. لُكُلِ اِمرىءٍ شَكلٌ مِنَ الناسِ مِثلُهُ
وَكُلُّ امرىءٍ يَهوى إِلى مَن يُشاكِلُه

2. You have no choice but to lodge with a guest
So be no guest of one who seeks through you one to lodge with him

٢. وَمالَكَ بُدٌّ مِن نَزيلٍ فَلا تَكُن
نَزيلاً لِمَن يَسعى بِهِ مَن يُنازِلُه

3. And if you lodge with the noble then meet him
With what you are capable of, of manliness, saying to him

٣. وَإِن أَنتَ نازَلتَ الكَريمَ فَلاقِهِ
بِما أَنتَ مِن أَهلِ المُروءَةِ قائِلُه

4. And if you lodge with the base then be a man
Who bears with him in his acts and who forbears him

٤. وَإِن أَنتَ نازَلتَ اللَئيمَ فَكُن فَتىً
تُزايِلُهُ في فِعلِهِ وَتُحامِلُه

5. If you do not admit the honour of one dignified
And of resolve, prudence, you will not find one to admit you

٥. إِذا لَم تُداخِل عِزَّ مَن كانَ ذا حِجىً
وَعَزمٍ وَحَزمٍ لَم تَجِد مَن تُداخِلُه

6. For people are but by principles, surely
He makes firm the top of each house who made firm its bottom

٦. وَما الناسُ إِلّا بِالأُصولِ فَإِنَّما
يُثَبِّت أَعلى كُلِّ بَيتٍ أَسافِلُه