
Who else with kinship and affection

من ذا الذي بإخائه وبوده

1. Who else with kinship and affection
Could bring me joy after your love and brotherhood?

١. مَن ذا الَّذي بِإِخائِهِ وَبِوُدِّهِ
مِن بَعدِ وُدِّكَ أَو إِخائِكَ أَفرَحُ

2. When the slanderers say to us tomorrow
Their eyes glance at me and at you

٢. لَمّا يَقول الكاشِحونَ لَنا غَداً
وَعيونُهُم نَحوي وَنَحوَكَ تلمَحُ

3. They are troubled by our close companionship
From us is aloofness and conspicuous separation

٣. قَد رابَهُم مِن بَعدِ حُسنِ تَواصُلٍ
مِنّا مُباعدَةٌ وَبَينٌ مُفصِحُ

4. Their command is what they desire and an agent
Of this, what is praised and what is condemned

٤. أَمُريهِم ما يَشتَهونَ وَفاعِلٌ
مِن ذاكَ ما يُثنى وَما يُستَقبَحُ

5. Or one holding on to the friendship of sincere brethren
Pure fraternity, the likes of him are not discarded

٥. أَم مُمسِكٌ بِوصالِ خِلٍّ ناصِحٍ
مَحض الأُخوَّة مِثلُهُ لا يُطرَحُ

6. Whatever you have done, you still remain
In my heart an affection that does not depart

٦. أَيّاً فَعَلتَ فَلا تَزالُ مُقيمَةً
في الصَدرِ مِنكَ مُوَدَّةٌ لا تَبرَحُ