
Do not praise anyone until you test him

لا تحمدن امرء حتى تجربه

1. Do not praise anyone until you test him
Nor blame him without testing

١. لا تَحمدَنَّ امرءً حَتّى تُجَرِّبَهُ
وَلا تَذُمَنَّهُ مِن غَيرِ تَجريبِ

2. Your praise of a man whom excess has not reached
And your blame of a man after praise is a lie

٢. فَحَمدُكَ المَرءَ ما لَم تَبلُهُ سَرَفٌ
وَذَمُّكَ المَرءَ بَعدَ الحَمدِ تَكذيبُ