1. Did you not see that generosity is my trait
And every man goes on as per his habit
١. أَلَم تَرَ انّي وَالتَكرُّمُ شيمَتي
وَكُلُّ امرىءٍ جارٍ عَلى ما تَعَوَّدا
2. I cleanse my clothes of betrayal and deceit
And incline towards what was best and most glorious
٢. أُطَهِّر أَثوابي مِنَ الغَدرِ والخَنا
وَأَنحو إِلى ما كانَ خَيراً وَأَمجَدا
3. And an evil poet who distorts everything he says
When he utters the strongest words he can defend
٣. وَشاعِرِ سوءٍ يَهضِمُ القَولَ كُلَّهُ
إِذا قالَ أَقوى ما يَقولُ وَأَسنَدا
4. I forgave him after hesitation so I tamed him
With wariness he did not know how I could aim at
٤. صَفحتُ لَهُ بَعدَ الأَناةِ فَرُعتُهُ
بِحَرباءَ لَم يعلم لَها كَيفَ أَرصَدا
5. Indeed I have abundant patience and yet
I cure many an illness of the one who was struck
٥. وَإِنّي لَذو حِلمٍ كَثيرٍ وَإِنَني
كَثيراً لأُشفي داءَ مَن كانَ أَصيَدا
6. I repay the Master if His patience slips
With my patience and repayment is best and blessed
٦. أَعودُ عَلى المولى إِذا زَلَّ حِلمُهُ
بِحِلمي وَكانَ العَودُ أَبقى وَأَحمَدا
7. So if the Master's ignorance deceives Him about me
I overlook it and befriend Him tomorrow
٧. فَكُنتُ إِذا المَولى بِداليَ غِشُّهُ
تَجاوَزتُ عَنهُ واستَدَمتُ بِهِ غَدا
8. So days may judge Him or make Him return to me
And I do not stretch out tongue or hand
٨. لِتُحكِمَه الأَيامُ أَو لِتَردَّهُ
عَليَّ وَلَم أَبسِط لِساناً وَلا يَدا