1. We came to az-Zubair and he approached the speech
And Talhah is like a star or farther
١. أَتَينا الزُبَيرَ فَدانى الكَلامَ
وَطَلحَةُ كَالنَجمِ أَو أَبعَدُ
2. And the best of their two sayings is shocking
It is constrained by which the discourse is depressed
٢. وَأَحسَنُ قَولَيهِما فادِحٌ
يَضيقُ بِهِ الخَطبُ مُستَنكَدُ
3. And they promised us with the threat of warning
So it was easier for us, what they promised
٣. وَقَد أَوعَدونا بِجهدِ الوَعيدِ
فَأَهوِن عَلَينا بِما أَوعَدوا
4. So we said you galloped but did not walk
And you issued before you introduced
٤. فَقُلنا رَكَضتُم وَلَم تُرمِلوا
وَأَصدَرتُمُ قَبلَ أَن تُورِدوا
5. So if you initiate war between the men
Then its initiator, his granddad is the most depressed
٥. فَإِن تَلقَحوا الحَربَ بَينَ الرِجالِ
فَمُلقِحُها جَدُّهُ الأَنكَدُ
6. And indeed, Ali to you is bewitching
Behold, he is the black lion
٦. وَإِنَّ عَليّاً لَكُم مُصحِرٌ
أَلا إِنَّهُ الأَسَدُ الأَسوَدُ
7. Verily, he is the third of the worshippers
In Mecca, and Allah is not worshipped
٧. أَما إِنَّهُ ثالِثُ العابِدينَ
بِمَكَةَ واللَهُ لا يُعبَدُ
8. So loosen the noose and do not hurry
For tomorrow for you is an appointment
٨. فَرَخّوا الخِناقَ وَلا تَعجَلوا
فَإِنَّ غَداً لَكُمُ مَوعِدُ