
I saw Abu Sahl, though I had done him no wrong,

رأيت أبا سهل وما كنت مذنبا

1. I saw Abu Sahl, though I had done him no wrong,
Nor had I torn away his veil of honor.

١. رَأَيتُ أَبا سَهلٍ وَما كُنتُ مُذنِباً
إِلَيهِ وَلا أَنّي خَرَقتُ لَهُ سِترا

2. He seeks to break the ties of kin between us,
So far be it from you, as I see, to make excuses.

٢. يُريدُ فَسادَ الرّحمِ بَيني وَبينَهُ
فَدونَكَ ما أَبلَغتُ فيما أَرى العُذرا

3. Estrange yourself from me forever, if you insist
On estranging those whom you cannot harm.

٣. فَباعِد طوالَ الدَهرِ إِن كُنتَ صارِماً
لِتصرِمَ مَن لا تَستَطيعُ لَهُ ضُرّا