
For the days of your life, you are fashioned from illustrious folk,

لعمرك مرسوع من آل مجالد

1. For the days of your life, you are fashioned from illustrious folk,
You would have resented me, the day we met, for my response.

١. لَعَمرُكَ مَرسوعٌ مِن آلِ مُجالِدٍ
لَخَرشَبتَ لي يَومَ التَقَينا جَوابَكا

2. You tell me that I'm old, and indeed I am,
Old, but what misfortune made you this way?

٢. تُحَدِّثُني أَنّي كَبيرٌ فَإِنَّني
كَبيرٌ وَلَكِن أَيَّ شَيءٍ أَشابَكا

3. If from aging - graying is the destiny of youth -
So tell us, was it pure or evil that afflicted you?

٣. أَمِن كِبَرٍ فَالشَيبُ عاقِبَةُ الفَتى
فَتُخبِرُنا أَم كانَ طِبّاً أَصابَكا

4. By my life! You married her, a kinswoman,
Secretly, forcibly, though it did not please you.

٤. لَعَمري لَقَد أَنكَحتَها ذا قَرابَةٍ
بَرِيّاً سَرِيّاً كارِهاً ما أَرابَكا

5. And I was told you gifted plump camels,
Perfect gifts - if only he could find your clothes!

٥. وَخُبِّرتُهُ أَهدى جَزوراً سَمينَةً
أَتَمَّ الحِبا أَن لَو أَجَدَّ ثيابَكا