
And with raging determination I decided

وأهوج ملجاج تصاممت قيله

1. And with raging determination I decided
To make him hear it though my hearing is not keen.

١. وَأَهوَجَ مِلجاجٍ تَصامَمتُ قيلَهُ
أَن اِسمَعَهُ وَما بِسَمعيَ مِن باسِ

2. Had I wished, I'd not have turned away until
I'd struck him on his nose with a cleft that tears with remorse.

٢. وَلَو شِئتُ ما أَعرَضتُ حَتّى أَصَبتُهُ
عَلى أَنفِهِ خَدباءَ تَعضِلُ بِالآسي

3. For the tongue's impact is no less severe
Than the smallest traces of carving with an axe.

٣. فَإِنَّ الِلسانَ لَيسَ أَهوَنُ وَقعِهِ
بِأَصغَرَ آثاراً مِنَ النَحتِ بِالفاسِ

4. And he who bears malice he did not reveal
Is like one possessed whose soul none can appease.

٤. وَذي إِحنَّةٍ لَم يُبدِها غَيرَ أَنَّهُ
كَذي الخَبلِ تَأبى نَفسُهُ غَيرَ وَسواسِ

5. I was forgiving toward him, with lasting clemency, like his own,
While he knows nothing of my forbearance and vigilance over him.

٥. صَفَحتُ لَهُ صَفحاً طَويلاً كَصَفحِهِ
وَعَيني وَلا يَدري عَليهِ وَأَحراسي

6. And if the boiling in his chest bursts forth,
I have a staunch rebuff no apologizer can restore.

٦. وَعندي لَهُ إِن ثار فَوَّارُ صَدرِهِ
فَحاً جَبَلِيٌّ لا يَعودُ لَهُ الحاسي

7. I purified him of all bitterness and so squeezed him
Of every virulent disease, a healer.

٧. تَنَقَّيتُهُ مِن كُلِّ مُرٍّ فَمِزتُهُ
لِكُلِّ عُضاليٍّ مِنَ الداءِ نَكّاسِ

8. A cure and antidote - when mixed with it,
It treats perfectly one in doubt or in despair.

٨. شِفاءً وَتنجيزاً مَتى يَلتَبِس بِهِ
يُعالِجُ بَرءً لا يُريبكَ أَو ياسِ

9. But people's flesh is mostly the nourishment of the wicked,
The gluttonous gormandizer, after hope is lost, covetous.

٩. وَخَبٍّ لُحومُ الناسِ أَكثَرُ زادِهِ
كَثيرِ الخَنى بَعدَ المَحالَةِ هَمّاسِ

10. I left him my flesh and kept for him his own
For whoever turns to the jinn or mankind.

١٠. تَرَكتُ لَهُ لَحمي وَأَبقَيتُ لَحمَهُ
لِمَن نابَهُ مِن حاضِر الجِنِّ والناسِ

11. So he struggled a little, then turned away, as if
He were biting deaf rock, steadfast mountain.

١١. فَكَدَّ قَليلاً ثُمَ صَدَّ كَأَنَّما
يَعُضُّ بِصُمٍّ مِن سَدى جَبَلٍ راسي