1. Deliver for me, O messenger, a missive to Husain,
For you have already severed another bond between us.
١. أَلا اَبلِغا عَنّي حُصَيناً رِسالَةً
فَإِنَّكَ قَد قَطَّعتَ أُخرى خِلالِكا
2. You saw a time when people severed the ties of truth among them,
So you followed their example in that.
٢. رَأَيتَ زَماناً قَطَّعَ الناسُ بَينَهُم
عُرى الحَقِّ فيهِ فاقتَدَيتَ بِذالِكا
3. Had I known, when told of you, that you were an agent
Who gave people unjustly, not from your own wealth,
٣. فَلَو كُنتُ إِذ خُبِّرتُ أَنَّكَ عامِلٌ
بِمَيسان تُعطي الناسَ مِن غَيرِ مالِكا
4. I would have asked you or proposed affection between us -
Indeed, some of that would have been rightly obligatory.
٤. سَأَلتُكَ أَو عَرَّضتُ بِالوُدِّ بَينَنا
لَقَد كانَ حَقّاً واجِباً بَعضُ ذالِكا
5. And he whom I had sent informed me that indeed
You took my letter, turning away with your left hand.
٥. وَخَبَّرَني مَن كُنتُ أَرسَلتُ إِنَّما
أَخذتَ كِتابي مُعرِضاً بِشِمالِكا
6. You looked at its address and discarded it
As you would discard a sandal repaired from your sandals.
٦. نَظَرتَ إِلى عِنوانِهِ فَنَبَذتَهُ
كَنَبذِكَ نَعلاً أَخلَقَت مِن نِعالِكا
7. When my letter came to you, turned away,
I thought your disregard did not bode well.
٧. حَسِبتُ كِتابي إِذ أَتاكَ مُعَرِّضاً
لِسَيبكَ لَم يَذهَب رَجائي هُنالِكا
8. Nu'aym ibn Mas'ud is right in what he came with,
And you are right in what you do - that is the truth.
٨. نُعَيمُ بنُ مَعسودٍ حَقيقٌ بِما أَتى
وَأَنتَ بِما تَأَتي حَقيقٌ بِذالِكا