
I trusted with a secret a man who lacked caution,

أمنت على السر امرء غير حازم

1. I trusted with a secret a man who lacked caution,
Yet in counseling he was free of guile.

١. أَمِنتُ عَلى السِرِّ امرَءً غَيرَ حازِمٍ
وَلَكِنَّهُ في النُصحِ غَيرُ مَريبِ

2. He spread it among the people till it seemed
Like a fire kindled on the mountain tops.

٢. أَذاعَ بِهِ في الناسِ حَتّى كَأَنَّهُ
بِعَلياءَ نارٌ أُوقِدَت لِثقوبِ

3. Whenever you don't guard your secret, it spreads;
So beware of both errors and triumphs.

٣. وَكُنتَ مَتى لا تَرعَ سِرَّكَ تَنتِشر
فَوارِعُهُ مِن مُخطىءٍ وَمُصيبِ

4. Not everyone with a mind gives you sincere counsel,
Nor does every counsel-giver have a mind.

٤. فَما كُلُّ ذي لُبٍّ بِمؤتيكَ نُصحَهُ
وَما كُلُّ مؤتٍ نَصحَهُ بِلبيبِ

5. But when the two unite in one person,
He deserves some obedience from you.

٥. وَلَكِن إِذا ما استَجمَعا عِندَ واحِدٍ
فَحقٌّ لَهُ مِن طاعَةٍ بِنَصيبِ

6. A man who has tested people will not be unaware
Of the turns of fate for one lacking in sense.

٦. وَإِنَّ امرَءً قَد جَرَّبَ الناسَ لَم يَخف
تَقَلُّبَ عَصرَيهِ لَغَيرُ لَبيبِ

7. So do not despair of affection from one who has parted from you,
Nor feel safe from one who is your bosom friend.

٧. فَلا تَيأَسَنَّ الدَهرَ مِن ودِّ كاشِحٍ
وَلا تَأمَنَنَّ الدَهرَ صَرمَ حَبيبِ

8. When a man wearies his own tribe in his youth,
You should not expect any good from him in his old age.

٨. إِذا المَرءُ أَعيا رَهطَهُ في شبابِهِ
فَلا تَرجُ مِنهُ الخَيرَ عِندَ مَشيبِ
