
O you whose killing made time grieve,

يا من بمقتله دهى الدهر

1. O you whose killing made time grieve,
There was a matter between you and them.

١. يا مَن بِمَقتَلِهِ دَهى الدَهرُ
قَد كانَ مِنكَ وَمِنهُمُ أَمرُ

2. They claimed you were killed while they had an excuse,
They lied, and for your grave they have no excuse.

٢. زَعَموا قُتِلتَ وَعِندَهُم عُذرٌ
كَذَبوا وَقبرِكَ مالَهُم عُذرُ

3. O grave of our noble forgiving master,
May God pray upon you, O grave.

٣. يا قَبرَ سَيّدِنا المجنِّ سَماحه
صَلّى عَلَيكَ اللَهُ يا قَبرُ

4. It does no harm to a grave when you inhabit it,
That rain does not pass through its land.

٤. ما ضَرَّ قَبراً أَنتَ ساكِنهُ
أَن لا يَمرّ بِأَرضِهِ القَطرُ

5. So may your forgiving palm make its rain just,
And may the boulders bloom in your vicinity.

٥. فَليعدِلَنَّ سَماحَ كَفِّكَ قَطرَه
وَليورِقَنَّ بِقُربِكَ الصَخرُ

6. When you sleep, you are awake,
And when you wake, your face is the full moon.

٦. وَإِذا رَقَدتَ فَأَنتَ مُنتَبهٌ
وَإِذا انتَبهتَ فَوجهُكَ البَدرُ

7. And when you get angry, mountains crack into pieces,
And creatures shiver in fear of you.

٧. وَإِذا غَضِبتَ تَصَدَّعَت فَرَقاً
مِنكَ الجِبالُ وَخافَكَ الذُعرُ

8. Peace be upon the inhabitant of the grave,
Whom the grave prevented from meeting us.

٨. يا ساكِنَ القَبر السلامُ عَلى
مَن حال دونَ لِقائِهِ القَبرُ

9. O emigrant, when I came to visit you,
Estrangement was never your way.

٩. يا هاجِري إِذ جِئتُ زائِرَهُ
ما كانَ مِن عاداتِكَ الهَجرُ

10. By God, if you were here, I would leave no one,
Except I killed whoever separated us.

١٠. واللَهِ لَو بِكَ لَم أَدَع أَحَداً
إِلّا قَتَلتُ لفاتني الوِترُ