
You've certainly learned that I utterly detest you,

تعلم يقينا أنني لك ماقت

1. You've certainly learned that I utterly detest you,
And I have a trait that rebukes and condemns you.

١. تَعَلَّم يَقيناً أَنَنّي لَكَ ماقِتٌ
وَلي شيمَةٌ تَعتابُها وَتَذيمُها

2. And I was, but I'm a man in his nature,
Vile towards whoever accepts it and blames it.

٢. وَكُنتُ وَلَكنّي امرُؤٌ في خَليقَتي
بَذاءٌ لِمَن يَرضى بِها وَيَلومُها

3. I've come to dislike, of all companions, those whom I won't leave behind;
I address in them a crookedness I do not straighten.

٣. شَنِئتُ مِنَ الصُحبان مَن لَستُ زائِلاً
أُعالِجُ مِنهُ عَوجَةً لا أُقَيمُها