
Afatim, be gentle, let go of this frowning,

أفاطم مهلا بعض هذا التعبس

1. Afatim, be gentle, let go of this frowning,
Though determination becomes you like a necklace, do not despair,

١. أَفاطِمَ مَهلاً بَعضَ هَذا التَعَبُّسِ
وَإِن كانَ مِنكَ الجِدُّ بِالصَرمِ فايأسي

2. She scolded me when she saw that I loved her,
Like an unexpected blessing that none can take away,

٢. تَشَتَّمُ لي لَمّا رَأَتني أُحِبُّها
كَذي نِعمَةٍ لَم يُبدِها غَيرَ أَبؤُسِ

3. If you break the pact between us,
And hide what remains of your affection,

٣. وَإِن تَنقُضي العَهدَ الَّذي كانَ بَينَنا
وَتُبدي بِباقي وُدِّكِ المُتَخَلَّسِ

4. Then do not be fooled by my composure,
I will console the lovers with poised patience,

٤. فَإِنّي فَلا يَغرُركِ مِنّي تَجَمُّلي
لَأَسلى الحُبابَ بِالجِنابِ المُكَيَّسِ

5. I know this land has open spaces,
For those not confined behind bars,

٥. وَأَعلَمُ أَنَّ الأَرضَ فيها مَنادِحٌ
لِمَن كانَ لَم تُسدَد عَليهِ بِمَحبِسِ

6. When the soft-spoken becomes hated by his people,
Affairs handle him roughly in tangled times,

٦. إِذا النَأنَأُ الداني الَّذي مَلَّ أَهلَهُ
تَقَتهُ الأُمورُ بِالرَعيشِ المُلَبَّسِ

7. Yet I was a man who savored loyal companionship,
Not one accustomed to being unprepared.

٧. وَكُنتُ امرءً لا صُحبَةَ الصِدقِ أَجتَوي
وَلا أَنا نَوّامٌ بِغَيرِ مُعَرَّسِ