
If you are a friend accustomed to pride, no gentle heart will bear it

إذا كنت معتدا خليلا فلا يرق

1. If you are a friend accustomed to pride, no gentle heart will bear it
However much you receive from me, in truth, your lack is baseness and acceptance

١. إِذا كُنتَ مُعتَدّاً خَليلاً فَلا يَرُق
عَلى ما لَدَيكَ المُستَدِقّ بَخيلُ

2. I am not one who turns away when we meet, frowning like an angry man when he speaks
Nor a murmurer like a she-camel, her sending forth long and her bleating two days then ceasing

٢. فَإِنَّكَ مَهما تَلقَ مِنّي فَإنَّما
قُصارُكَ ذُلٌّ صادِقٌ وَقَبولُ

3. Nor am I like a coward who hears people's defeat of him, while under loud noise there is a besieger and surrounding foe

٣. وَلَستُ بِمِعراضٍ إِذا ما لَقيتُهُ
تَعَبَّسَ كالغَضبانِ حينَ يَقولُ

٤. وَلا بَسبَسٍ كالعَنزِ أَطوَلُ رِسلِها
وَرِئمانِها يومانِ ثُمَّ يَزولُ

٥. وَلَستُ كَجِلبٍ يَسمَعُ الناسُ هَزمَهُ
وَتَحتَ الحَفيفِ حاصِرٌ وَمُحوِلُ