
On the day we met, Uwaimir donned

تلبس لي يوم التقينا عويمر

1. On the day we met, Uwaimir donned
A gabardine of smooth suede worn by a mute camel driver,

١. تَلَبَّسَ لي يَومَ التَقَينا عوَيمِرٌ
بِجابَلَقٍ في جِلدِ أَخنَسَ باسِلِ

2. And made promises that led me to think
He would slay me or else become my slayer.

٢. وَأَوعَدَني حَتّى ظَنَنتُ بِأَنَّهُ
مُصيبي بِمِثلِ القَتلِ أَو هوَ قاتِلي

3. When I said "Be just and oppress me not,"
He flung aside all truth but his own false notions.

٣. إِذا قُلتُ أَنصِفني وَلا تَظلِمَنَّني
رَمى كُلَّ حَقٍّ مِن سواه بِباطِلِ

4. I refuted him until he was confounded, though he remained averse,
For the contentious are often abashed after arguing.

٤. فَباطَلتُهُ حَتّى ارعَوى وَهوَ كارِهٌ
وَقَد يَرعَوي ذو الشَغبِ بَعدَ التَجادُلِ

5. Never did you show mercy to an ignorant foe
Like a learned adversary feigning ignorance.

٥. وَإِنَّكَ لَم تَعطِف عَلى الحَقِّ جاهِلاً
بِمِثلِ خَصيمٍ عالِمٍ مُتَجاهِلِ