
I wish I knew what it was about my friend

ليت شعري عن خليلي ما الذي

1. I wish I knew what it was about my friend
That made him become obsessed with love until he abandoned me

١. لَيتَ شِعري عَن خَليلي ما الَّذي
غالَهُ في الحُبِّ حَتّى وَدَعَهُ

2. Do not let time make you submissively patient
With burning passion, hasty to take offense

٢. لا تُؤاخِ الدَهرَ جِبساً راضِعاً
مُلهَبَ الشَدِّ سَريعَ المَنزَعَه

3. What you get from me is the sweetest gain
Yet he sees a chance to deny me of it

٣. ما يَنَل مِنكَ فَأَحلى مَغنِمٍ
وَيَرى ظَرفاً بِهِ أَن يَمنَعَه

4. He asks people but does not give them anything
His stupidity - how greedy has it made him!

٤. يَسأَلُ الناسَ وَلا يُعطيهِمُ
هَبِلَته أُمُّه ما أَجشَعَه

5. Speak the truth when you say something
And beware reproaches against you in the assembly

٥. حَقِّقِ القَولَ إِذا ما قُلتَهُ
واحذَرَن مَخزاتَهُ في المَجمَعَه

6. Do not humiliate me after honoring me
For firmly fixed habits are hard to uproot

٦. لا تُهِنّي بَعدَ إِكرامِكَ لي
فَشَديدٌ عادَةٌ مُنتَزَعَه

7. Do not let your lightning be deceptive lightning
The best lightning is that which brings rain

٧. لا يَكُن بَرقُكَ بَرقاً خُلَّباً
انَّ خَيرَ البَرقِ ما الغَيثُ مَعهُ

8. Do not mix truth with falsehood
Truth provides ample scope for the person of truth

٨. لا تَشوبَنَّ بِحَقٍّ باطِلاً
إِنَّ في الحَقِّ لِذي الحَقِّ سَعَه

9. Observe silence if you have nothing to ask
Silence gives scope to some people to meditate

٩. أَطِلِ الصَمتَ إِذا ما لَم تُسَل
إِنَّ في الصَمتِ لِأَقوامٍ دَعَه

10. Many a person has uttered sayings
That do no harm if one does not hear them

١٠. رُبَّ ماشٍ بِحَديثٍ قالَهُ
لا يَضُرُّ المَرءَ أَن لا يَسمَعَه