1. The cooing dove in the branches of the oaks stirred me,
I know not why I grieved for what was between us and why I lamented.
١. وَساجِعٍ في فُروعِ الأَيكِ هَيَّجَني
لَم أَدرِ لِم ناحَ مِمّا بي وَلِم سَجَعا
2. Weeping for his love after separation,
Or sad for the tryst before it comes to pass.
٢. أَباكِياً إِلفَهُ مِن بَعدِ فَرقَتِهِ
أَم جازِعاً لِلنَوى مِن قَبلِ أَن تَقعا
3. He calls his dove while the birds slumber,
Yet I did not sleep a night nor slumber.
٣. يَدعو حَمامَتَهُ وَالطَيرُ هاجِعَةٌ
فَما هَجَعتُ لَهُ لَيلاً وَلا هَجعا
4. Clad in green silk, his shoulders adorned,
His train scented of musk as it trails behind.
٤. مُوَشَّحٌ سُندُساً خُضرٌ مناكِبُهُ
تَرى مِنَ المِسكِ في أَذيالِهِ لُمَعا
5. His neck is collared over his doublet,
With violets and clover intertwined.
٥. لَهُ مِنَ الآس طَوقٌ فَوقَ لَبَّتِهِ
مِنَ البَنَفسَجِ وَالخيريِّ قَد جُمِعا
6. As if he were scented with rich perfume,
Camphor emanating from beneath his clothes.
٦. كَأَنَّما عَبَّ في مُسوَدِّ غاليَةٍ
وَحَلَّ مِن تَحتِهِ الكافورُ فانتَقَعا
7. His yellow eyes gleam as if cut
From carnelian stones of purest hue.
٧. كَأَنَّ عَينَيهِ مِن حُسنِ اِصفِرارِهِما
فَصّانِ مِن حَجَرِ الياقوتِ قَد قُطِعا
8. His ruddy legs seem as if made
From unbroken coral that expands in view.
٨. كَأَنَّ رِجلَيهِ مِن حُسنِ اِحمِرارِهِما
ما رَقَّ مِن شُعَبِ المَرجانِ فاِتَّسَعا
9. He complained of the tryst and wept fearing sadness,
Throwing his pain amongst his sighing companions.
٩. شَكا النَوى فَبَكى خَوفَ الأَسى فَرَمى
بَينَ الجَوانِحِ مِن أَوجاعِهِ وَجَعا
10. The wind makes him sway, lowering then raising him,
Lowering while calling, raising while lamenting.
١٠. وَالريحُ تَخفِضُهُ طوراً وَتَرفَعُهُ
طوراً فمُنخَفِضاً يَدعو وَمُرتَفِعا
11. As if he were a monk atop a monastery
Reciting psalms as the morning star rises.
١١. كَأَنَّهُ راهِبٌ في رأَسِ صَومَعَةٍ
يَتلو الزَبورَ وَنَجمُ الصُبحِ قَد طَلَعا