
Youth departed from you in this world, so hasten away,

غدا منك في الدنيا الشباب فأسرعا

1. Youth departed from you in this world, so hasten away,
And it was like a neighbor who moved out from you, so bid farewell,

١. غَدا مِنكَ في الدُنيا الشَبابُ فَأَسرَعا
وَكانَ كَجارٍ بانَ مِنكَ فَوَدَّعا

2. So I said to it, “Go away, O foul one!” If only
I had killed you knowingly before you fell apart.

٢. فَقُلتُ لَهُ فاِذهَب ذَميماً فَلَيتَني
قَتَلتُكَ عِلماً قَبلَ أَن تَتَصَدَّعا

3. You committed a sin against me then abandoned me to it,
So evil are both companions together.

٣. جَنَيتَ عَلَيَّ الذَنبَ ثُمَّ خَذَلتَني
عَليهِ فَبِئسَ الخَلَّتانِ هُما مَعا

4. You were a mirage that vanished when you left me
A hostage to all the harm I reaped in full.

٤. وَكُنتَ سَراباً ماحِصاً إِذ تَرَكتَني
رَهينَةَ ما أَجني مِنَ الشَرِّ أَجمَعا