
May the Lord of mankind reward Abu Ma'iz

جزى الله رب الناس خير جزائه

1. May the Lord of mankind reward Abu Ma'iz
The best reward for a worker and friend

١. جَزى اللَهُ رَبُّ الناسِ خَيرَ جَزائِهِ
أَبا ماعِزٍ مِن عامِلٍ وَصَديقِ

2. He fulfilled my need truthfully, though some people
Are not truthful

٢. قَضى حاجَتي بِالحَقِّ ثُم أَجازَها
بِصِدقٍ وَبَعضُ القَومِ غَيرُ صَدوقِ

3. When he saw me coming, he said "Welcome!"
Indeed, welcome - your valley is not narrow

٣. وَلَمّا رَآني مُقبِلاً قالَ مَرحَباً
أَلا مَرحباً واديكَ غَيرَ مَضيقِ

4. You have inherited glory and friendship from your ancestors
And you are not like one who is absent without excuse

٤. تَوَرَّثتَ مِن دودانَ مَجداً وَسؤدُداً
وَلَستَ كَمَن يَغبى بِغَيرِ لُصوقِ

5. Abdullah has built you a house in Yafi'
On every valley around it and road

٥. بَنى لَكَ عَبدُ اللَهِ بَيتاً بِيافِعٍ
عَلى كُلِّ وادٍ حَولَهُ وَطَريقِ

6. And the best refuge for a man in his homeland
Is when the glory of ancestry combines with Islam

٦. وَخَيرُ خَبيءٍ في امرءٍ عِندَ مَوطِنٍ
إِذا جَمَعَ الإِسلامَ مَجدُ عُروقِ