1. By my life, one day I confided in someone
Who betrayed me to another I never feared would break my secret.
١. لَعَمري لَقَد أَفشَيتُ يَوماً فَخانَني
إِلى بَعضِ مَن لَم أَخشَ سِرّاً مُمَنَّعا
2. He tore it apart as a falcon tears its prey while it's unaware
And shouted about what I hid from him for all to hear.
٢. فَمَزَّقَهُ مَزقَ العَما وَهوَ غافِلٌ
وَنادى بِما أَخفَيتُ مِنهُ فَأَسمَعا
3. I said, without cursing you profusely,
A messenger may stumble when he hurries.
٣. فَقُلتُ وَلَم أَفحَش لَعاً لَكَ عالياً
وَقَد يَعثرُ الساعي إِذا كانَ مُسرِعاً
4. I will not blame you, for I see forgiveness
As closer to righteousness and more ample.
٤. فَلَستُ بِجازيكَ المَلامَةَ إِنَني
أَرى العَفوَ أَدنى لِلسَّداد وَأَوسَعا
5. But learn that it was a covenant between us
So part not blamed but bid farewell.
٥. وَلَكِن تَعلَّم إِنها عَهدُ بَينِنا
فَبِن غَيرِ مَذمومٍ وَلَكِن مودَّعا
6. A discourse we both let slip - I will never see
You saved, until the end of time entire.
٦. حَديثاً أَضَعناهُ كِلانا فَلَن أُرى
وَأَنتَ نَجيّاً آخِرَ الدَهرِ أَجمَعا
7. When you betrayed your secret, you found none but yourself
To blame for scattering and destroying it.
٧. وَكُنتَ إِذا ضَيَّعتَ سِرَّك لَم تَجِد
سِواكَ لَهُ إِلّا أَشَتَّ وَأَضيَعا