1. God is Great, truth has prevailed and been victorious
And good fortune and prosperity have fulfilled what they promised
١. الله أكبر ساد الحق وانتصرا
وأنجز السعد والاقبال ما نذرا
2. And the tongues of Yemen have spoken congratulations
Good tidings, so the guidance has returned proudly
٢. وألسن اليمن قد قالت مهنئة
بشرى فوفد الهدى قد عاد مفتخرا
3. A delegation has come to support the true religion
Responding to the call, crossing the sea eagerly
٣. وفد على نصرة الدين الحنيفي قد
لبى النداء فجاب البحر وابتدرا
4. They came to a king whose banner is victory
And whose comfort is justice and whose generosity is spread
٤. وافوا مليك يحف النصر رايته
والعدل راحته والفضل قد نشرا
5. To warn their people when they return, so they will see
Glory, so we are with them, the full moon journeyed
٥. لينذروا قومهم اذ يرجعوا فيرى
آنا فانا بهم بدر الرقي سرى
6. Journeying by day with them, so their matter was
That they witnessed the Throne, Chair and Ministers
٦. أسرى نهاراً بهم فكان من أمرهم
ان شاهدوا العرش والكرسي والوزرا
7. From the source of truth beneath the veils they drank
What they saw with certainty, not mere talk
٧. من منبع الحق تحت الحجب قد شربوا
فما رأوه يقين لا كلام مرا
8. Great signs they saw plainly, so that heart
Became convinced by that word, assembled
٨. آيات كبرى عياناً ابصروا فغدا
ذاك الفؤاد بذاك القول مؤتمرا
9. They were inspired with righteousness through success, so they entered
The path of those brought near, brought near and visited
٩. قد ألهموا الرشد بالتوفيق فانتظموا
في سلك من قربوا قرب اجتبا وقرا
10. At the place of pleasure and intimacy, a rank for them
Tables of bounty, their light rivaled by the moon
١٠. على بساط الرضا والانس صف لهم
موائد المن ضاها نورها القمرا
11. They were given ranks by which they are distinguished
And were adorned with the praiseworthy and discourse flowed
١١. وخولوا رتباً أضحت تميزهم
وبالمجيدي تحلوا والحديث جرى
12. They interceded and the brave, noble intermediary
So they were relieved of the harsh judgment that was issued
١٢. تشفعوا والامين الشهم وساطة
فخفوا وطأة الحكم الذي صدرا
13. And were granted pardon, and pride was withheld
The mighty, knowing Moses when he judged and hit
١٣. فنلت عفواً ونال الفخر محتبسا
ذو العز عارف موسى اذ قضى وطرا
14. That lofty position is no joking matter, so
Delegation of righteousness, awaken the people who were negligent
١٤. ذاك المقام المعلى لامزاح فيا
وفد الصلاح ايقظوا الشعب الذي فترا
15. The Buraq has returned with you, traversing the valleys, and who
Would cast aside the stubborn but you, O people of authority
١٥. عاد البراق بكم يطوى الخضم ومن
يرمي القسي سواكم بعد يا أمرا
16. And when you returned and the full moon took its place
And the sun its rising, do the stars have a path?
١٦. واذ قفلتم وحل البدر منزله
والشمس مشرقه هل للنجوم سرى
17. No! And whoever concealed the metaphor was told:
"Summer is lost, so be silent and walk cautiously"
١٧. كلا ومن أضمر التشبيه قيل له
الصيف ضيعت فاصمت واستقم حذرا
18. Good tidings, our joy and our pillar, and time is clear
The path of civilization in our lands has crossed over
١٨. بشرى سعدنا وسدنا والزمان صفا
درب التمدن في أقطارنا عبرا
19. With the zeal of justice, ease, and our guide
Muhammad Pasha, who glorified it
١٩. بهمة العدل والينا ومرشدنا
محمد حافظ باشا الذي شهرا
20. And the zeal of the brave, the chosen Rijab
Pasha the counselor, who stayed up advising us
٢٠. وهمة الشهم ذاك المجتبي رجب
باشا المشير الذي في نصحنا سهرا
21. The care of God protected us, so He granted us success
For the desired path of prosperity
٢١. عناية الله حفتنا فوفقنا
لمرتضى من على نهج الفلاح جرى
22. The shadow of God, helper of the religion, preserving it
Is our Prince, the Muslim people since appearing
٢٢. ظل الإله نصير الدين حافظه
أميرنا معشر الإسلام مذ ظهرا
23. Guardian of the Caliphate, pillar of the throne, its pole
Made glorious by security overflowing to it
٢٣. حامي الخلافة قطب العرش ضيغمه
مزن غدا صوبه بالأمن منهمرا
24. Abdul Hamid, who by his wisdom
Tributes of praise flowed, and journeys submitted to him
٢٤. عبد الحميد الذي سارت بحكمته
نجائب الحمد وانقادت له السفرا
25. So victory is yours, O sword of God, rejoicing
Protecting your ascent, guidance, as long as our soldiers grant victory
٢٥. فدم لك الظفر سيف الله مبتهجا
يحمي علاك الهدى ما جندنا نصرا