
Your rule is your rule, and your acceptance is your acceptance,

الحكم حكمك والرضاء رضاكا

1. Your rule is your rule, and your acceptance is your acceptance,
The command is your command, and the people are your people,

١. الحكم حكمك والرضاء رضاكا
والامر أمرك والقرا بحماكا

2. The night is most noble, and the gazelle bid farewell,
And tomorrow the love gathering comes late, apart from you,

٢. الليل أشرف والغزالة ودعت
وغدا العشا متأخراً حاشاكا

3. Half the road I traveled, intending to reach you, and
Destiny has returned me from whence I began,

٣. شطر الطريق قطعت قاصدكم وقد
عادت بي الاقدار من مولاكا

4. So pardon, my brother, the poet who shows his excuse in verse,
And accept a book with affection coming to you,

٤. فاعذر أخا بالشعر أبدى عذره
واقبل كتابا بالمودة جاكا

5. And morning is best if you seek a visit,
How excellent is the morning in which the beloved comes to you.

٥. والصبح خير ان طلبت زيارة
نعم الصباح به الحبيب أتاكا