
The garden was blessed by the clouds in the morning,

الروض باكرها الغمام وهزها

1. The garden was blessed by the clouds in the morning,
And the breeze of the spirit made the birds sing.

١. الروض باكرها الغمام وهزها
روح النسيم فغنت الأطيار

2. Its branches embraced and its flowers smiled,
Radiating lights and fragrance.

٢. وتعانقت أغصانها وتبسمت
منها الزهور وفاحت الأنوار

3. The doves began cooing melodies
In the name of the Praiseworthy and Chosen One.

٣. وبدا للألحان الحمام ترنم
باسم الجليل المجتبي المختار

4. And to the governor, Hafiz Pasha, whose
Good conduct made the councils feel passionate,

٤. والي الولاية حافظ باشا الذي
من حسن سيرته المجالس حاروا

5. With truth and brilliant justice, his
Fame rose high above the skies like a minaret.

٥. بالحق والعدل المنير علاله
صيت له فوق السماك منار

6. Dreaming in him is a well-known trait,
And so generosity flowed freely from him.

٦. فالحلم فيه سجية مشهورة
ولذا بدا من عفوه الاكثار

7. He served in the days of happiness and consent,
So his affairs were decreed as per fate’s choices.

٧. خدمته أيام السعادة والرضا
فاموره وفق القضا تختار

8. In any matter, he attained
What had no trace of hardship in its pursuits.

٨. ما هم بأمر قط الا ناله
ما للصعوبة في مناه مدار

9. From his right palm flowed bliss,
While his left was home to criminals.

٩. فيمينه من كفها نبع الهنا
وشماله للمجرمين قرار

10. Of insight, leadership and perception,
Before whom even lions retreated.

١٠. ذو فكرة وقادة وفراسة
وجسارة منه الليوث تواروا

11. He expressed with his piercing intellect what
No human mind had ever perceived.

١١. يبدي بثاقب فكره ما لم يكن
في طوق انس لم يشنه عواز

12. He managed affairs and paved the way to success,
To obey him, all people hastened.

١٢. ضبط الامور وصان سبل نجاحها
في طوعه كل العباد تجاروا

13. Tripoli triumphed through him and adorned itself,
Its walls thrilled at his arrival.

١٣. فازت طرابلس به وتزينت
وتباشرت بقدومه الاسوار

14. He spread prosperity and security in its corners,
It gained glory and became a beacon.

١٤. بسط الهنا والأمن في أرجائها
فغدت تشد لقطرها الاوقار

15. The caller of might proclaimed in its midst,
So its lands resonated in rapture.

١٥. نادى منادي العز في اكنافها
فتهللت لندائه الاقطار

16. And so the world, from every region came
As if to Mecca, pilgrims flocked from afar.

١٦. ولذا الورى من كل أقليم انو
فكأن مكة بالحجيج تزار

17. As if he were a magnet attracting all hearts,
The central pole to which they’re drawn.

١٧. وكأن مغناطيس أفئدة الورى
قطب بمركزها اليه يشار

18. O you who desired safety, integrity,
And joyousness that dazzles sights!

١٨. يا من أردت سلامة ونزاهة
ورياضة تزهو بها الانظار

19. Turn to Tripoli, live in the shade of a fair governor,
And be merry, find rest, bid Egypt and India farewell!

١٩. فاقبل على الزهر طرابلساً وعش
في ظل والٍ نعم ذاك الجار

٢٠. واشرب هنيئا وساترح فيها ودع
مصراً وقل ما الهند ما البلغار