1. To al-Jalifa goes great pride and glory,
Its party shall tomorrow be the source of all praise.
١. وللجلفة الفخر العظيم وحزبها
غدا مركزا منه المحامد تنبع
2. Amazed is he who visits their mosque,
When the smile of dawn appears and the people bow down.
٢. يرى عجبا من زار مسجدهم إذا
تبسم ثغر الفجر والقوم ركع
3. He sees a gathering in which tranquility has pitched its tent,
And preaching has an effect, with eyes seen to weep.
٣. يرى مجلسا فيه السكينة خيمت
وللوعظ تأثير يرى العين تدمع
4. He sees a circle of the Quran with people around it,
Sitting in order, all humble and devout.
٤. يرى حلقة القرآن والقوم حولها
جلوس على الترتيب والكل خشع
5. So to God belongs the order He has set,
Adorning the neck of time with a bejeweled necklace.
٥. فلله جمع نظمته عناية
فقلد جيد الدهر عقداً مرصع
6. There is the noble, honorable one who has become,
With his resolve in times of adversity, beneficial.
٦. هنالكم الشهم الشريف الذي غدا
بهمته عند الشدائد ينفع
7. A protector who saw for the guest generosity,
Demonstrating his sincerity as he bids farewell.
٧. همام رأى للضيف قدرا فما انثنى
يبرهن عن إخلاصه إذ يودع