1. His justice and moderation filled the universe with upright men,
And his kindness and generosity made the wilds teem with life.
١. ملأ الكونَ بشراً عدلُه واعتداله
وأغنى البرايا برُّه ونوالُهْ
2. The resolve of Chosroes pales before his august majesty,
And Alexander's feats in battle are no match for his example.
٢. حوى عزمَ كسرى في مهابةِ قيصرٍ
وما اسكندر في هزم دارا مثاله
3. If you test him against any of them, you see only his justice,
For he embodies the finest qualities of all kings.
٣. مَتى قِسْتَه بِفَرْدٍ منهم ظلمته
فقد زينت كلَّ الملوك خلالُه
4. The accounts of past rulers unanimously agree
That he is inaccessible, beyond their reach.
٤. دلائلُ أخبار الخواقين أجمعتْ
على أنه عنهم منيعٌ مناله
5. His wisdom is supreme, his deeds too lofty to rival,
His might inspires awe in enemies, his glory moves all hearts.
٥. عظيمُ مقالٍ ما كبا زندُ رأيه
سنىُّ فعالٍ لا تُسامى فِعاله
6. Some say fortune favored him, but it was his reason and fairness.
He dispelled the clouds of fancy by force of Egypt’s will.
٦. له هيبةٌ عند العدى أصفيةٌ
يَسير به نحو القلوب جلاله
7. Do you not see the light of recognition rising?
He fulfilled his promise to the ages against an ocean of foes.
٧. يقول أناسٌ طالعَ السعدُ حظه
وما السعدُ إلا عقله وعِقاله
8. His compassionate Nile inundates the fertile plains,
His surging bounty floats over the parched desert sands.
٨. محا غيْهبَ الأوهام قسراً بمصره
أما تبصرُ العِرفانَ يسمو هلاله
9. The scrolls of history were inscribed with the virtues of past sultans,
His titles enumerate triumphs, his ties confirm accounts of merit.
٩. على الدهر نذْرُ قد وفى فيه وعده
ببحرِ خصمٍ قد روتْنا سِجالُه
10. His achievements among men are a source of pride,
His perfect qualities know no bounds.
١٠. يغيضُ على العافي الجنوح فراتُه
ويطفو على الجافي الجموحِ زلاله
11. The resolve of his determination leaves all people stunned,
His arrows never miss their mark when loosed.
١١. دفاترُ تاريخ السلاطين سُطرتْ
مناقبُهم فاستجمعتها خِصاله
12. We always see him victorious over the enemy,
Bending to loosen the shackles of those who are bound.
١٢. تلقبهُ ألقابُ فخرٍ وسؤدد
وتروى لنا ما صحَّ عنه اتصاله
13. His noble traits show tenderness to those abused by fate,
While good fortune smiles on those embraced by his left hand.
١٣. مآثره بين الأنام مفاخرٌ
وآثارهُ لا تنتهي وكماله
14. Egypt now has an enviable status crowned with glory,
Thanks to a protector drawn from the most distant parts.
١٤. دَهتْ كلَّ ذي فهم عزائمُ حزمه
وما فوفَتْ إلا أصابت نِباله
15. Muhammad of righteous deeds, Ali of noble traits,
Whose boundless merits cannot be counted.
١٥. نراه دوماً ظافراً بغريمه
ويحنو على من كبلته حِباله
16. Not even Macedonia that nurtured Alexander
Can boast of nursing him on her lap as a babe.
١٦. أما أنه مولَى شمائلُه بها
حنانٌ لمن تجنى عليه شِماله
17. He conquered realms Alexander never trod,
If the Prince's uncle is not his compatriot.
١٧. لمصرَ به شأنٌ طريف زهتْ به
وعزٌّ منيف قد أظلت ظِلاله
18. With the Khedive's sword the injustice of the aggressors has ceased,
Their howling packs now slink away with tails between their legs.
١٨. ألا أيها المرتابُ في أن دارنا
تفوق على كل الرجال رجاله
19. His son emulates his virtues when opposing any scheme,
A man of easy temperament, yet fierce in the fray.
١٩. سلْ المجدَ عن تلك الميادين هل عدا
ببهرتها قرن يباري نضاله
20. They share a gracious disposition and noble traits,
Their beauty adorned with a radiant charm.
٢٠. لها الآن في كل النواحي أدلةٌ
بها زال عن ربِّ الجدال جداله
21. You see amongst them a loquacious Abbas,
Civil in peace yet irresistible in war.
٢١. أتاح لها المولى مليكاً قد انتمى
إليها ومن أقصى البلاد ارتحاله
22. Sa'id's fortunate endeavors on the seas bring prosperity,
Motivated by doing good and seeking worthy goals.
٢٢. محمدُ أفعالٍ عليُّ مكارم
بديعُ صفاتٍ لا تعدُّ فضاله
23. The cycle of time as his servant is honor enough,
Bowing obediently before him as he strides on.
٢٣. وما مثلها مقدونيا إذ أتتْ به
وقد كان فيها حِمله وفصاله
24. The grip of his hand reigns over the heads of foes,
When he moves among the people his glory is manifest.
٢٤. منازلٌ منها اسكندر فاتحُ الورى
إذا لم يكن عمُّ الأمير فخاله
25. Has not the Syrian plague been eliminated?
Level plains and lofty hills now stand equal.
٢٥. بسيف الخديوي صولةُ البغي قد عفتْ
فلا صائلٌ إلا تداعى صياله
26. If the Druze rebels rise up, their ruin is assured,
Oh wind! What misguidance has deceived them?
٢٦. يضاهيه في أوصافه الغُرِّ نجلُه
إذا ما تصدى نحوَ شأوٍ يناله
27. Why do they await the ruler today after it's clear
That their claims are baseless and void?
٢٧. دماثةُ أخلاق الجميع خليقةٌ
وقد زانهم خلقٌ تجلى جماله
28. Nothing is difficult for the Almighty,
Easing hardship is simple for Him however you ponder it.
٢٨. ترى فيهم عباسَهم ذا طلاقةٍ
لدى السلم لكن لا يُطاق نزاله
29. Happy is he who casts down arms in the field
Where the exile and his wealth rest in peace.
٢٩. مساعي سَعيِد في البحار سعيدةٌ
دواعٍ إلى الخيرات والاسم فاله
30. It is a sanctuary, with no wrong for visitors;
A refuge in the hills, the peaks of which cannot be scaled.
٣٠. كفى الدواري فخراً بأن زمانه
غدا عنده عبداً عليه امتثاله
31. His policies of rule are rightly guided-
He filled the cosmos with upright men, his justice and moderation.
٣١. نواصي الأعادي تحتَ قبضةِ كفه
إذا جال في قومٍ تناءى مجاله
٣٢. أليس منبعُ الشام قد زال شُؤْمُه
وصار سواءً سهلُه وجباله
٣٣. لئن قام أحياءُ الدروز لحتفهم
فيا ريحَ من أخَنى عليه ضلاله
٣٤. أينتظرون الحاكم اليوم بعدما
تبين فيما يزعمون محاله
٣٥. وما يمنٌ عند العزيز عسيرةٌ
ويسرُ عسيرٍ عنده ما تخاله
٣٦. هنيئاً لمن ألقى السلاحَ بساحةٍ
يُصان بها نفسُ النزيل وماله
٣٧. ألمَّ حمىً لا ضيمَ فيه لوافدٍ
ولاذ بطود لا تسامى خِلالُه
٣٨. مناهجُه في حكمه مستقيمةٌ
ملأ الكونَ بِشراً عدله واعتداله