1. We are Egypt's sons, were it not for our victory
In attaining the heights of its glory, we would not have appeared
١. نحنُ أبناء مصر لولا ظفرُنا
بمعالي مجْدِه ما ظهرنا
2. Indeed, the secret of the Almighty is a wondrous secret
It has guided us to the paths of righteousness, so we succeeded
٢. إن سرّ العزيز سرٌّ عجيبٌ
قد هدانا سُبلِ الرشادِ فسرْنا
3. Staying up nights to gain supreme virtues
We followed his path and stayed up
٣. سهرَ الليالي لاكتساب المعالي
فاقتفينا طريقَه وسهرنا
4. The truthful promise, the foremost of bliss, our Master
His felicitating us with it came true, so we took pride
٤. صادقُ الوعد سابقُ السعد مولى
صحَّ إسعادُنا به فافتخرنا
5. And when it was said who in Egypt was its people
They hastened to the heights, we pointed to him
٥. وإذا قيل من به أهلُ مصرٍ
سابقوا للعلا إليه أشرنا
6. And we raced in the throngs of competition, running
And we raced to the farthest point and emerged victorious
٦. وجرْينا في حومةِ السبق ركضاً
وسبقنا إلى مدىً وانتصرنا
7. How much we unfurled the carpet of might and glory
Which was once folded up, so we spread it out
٧. كم بسطنا بساطَ عزٍ ومجد
كان قبلاً قد انطوى فنشرنا
8. May God grant you long life, if you wish to test
Our fields of precedence, then test us
٨. عمرك الله إنْ أردتَ اختبارا
في ميادين سبْقِنا فاخْتَبرْنا
9. The Khedive has inspired us to glory's honor
With his beautiful praise of him we took initiative
٩. قد جانا الخديو تشويقَ مجد
بجميل الثنا عليه ابتدرنا
10. He distinguished us with his love's most splendid favor
So we strung pearls of poetry and prose for him
١٠. خصَّنا ودُّه بأبهى امتيازٍ
فنظمنا لآلئاً ونثرنا
11. And we asked for the state of might to be preserved
And for its permanence, and declared so out loud
١١. وطلبنا لدولةِ العز حفظاً
وبقاءً وبالدعاء جهرنا
12. We are all thankful, so O bliss record
With kindness you rewarded us, so we thanked
١٢. كلنا شاكرٌ فيا سعدُ أرّخْ
بجميلٍ كافأتنا فشكرنا