1. He has the privilege of glory as his principle
And the sign of dignity and composure as his symbol
١. طسنٌ له في المجد فضلُ إمارهْ
وعليه من علم الوقارِ أمَاره
2. A magnanimous person refined in sublime virtues from the cradle
And spent his life in the field of sublime virtues
٢. شهمٌ تهذبَ في العلا من مهدِهِ
وقضَى بميدانٍ العلا أوْطاره
3. He encompasses eloquence, rhetoric, skill, dexterity
Dignity, and adeptness as his hallmarks
٣. يحوي الفصاحةَ والبلاغةَ والبراع
ةَ واليراعةَ عزّةً ومهاره
4. He spent nights sleepless seeking success
And honed his mind as he reaped the fruits of his great trade
٤. أمضى الدُّجى سهراً ليظفر بالرجا
صقل الحِجى إذ جازَ خير تجاره
5. A pure soul obedient to him as it is immaculate
From where passions are rebellious against higher ideals
٥. نفسٌ لها ينقادُ وهي زكيةٌ
من حيث يعصى في الهوى الأمّاره
6. In the state of arts and letters he became a stalwart
Prolonging his days and nights therein
٦. في دولةِ الآداب صار مؤيداً
وأَدام فيه ليلَه ونهاره
7. Having worn the dress of righteousness in its finest forms
Where he spends his talents in the heights of virtue
٧. وقد اكتسى بالرشدِ أبهى حلةٍ
من حيث يصرفُ في العلا ديناره
8. The Khedive of Egypt chose him out of affection
And endowed him with the elite and the elect
٨. وقد اصطفاه خديو مصرَ محبةً
وحباه صفوَ صهارةٍ واختاره
9. The noble Luminary, crown of beauties
Who shamed the blossoms of gardens in brilliance
٩. لكريمة زهراء تاج محاسنٍ
قد أخجلتْ زهرَ الرياض نضاره
10. Continuously drawing near, gaining favor
Amidst a bouquet of twinkling stars
١٠. وازداد إقبالاً ونال معزة
في ضمن زُهرِ كواكبٍ سياره
11. With eternal good fortune and supremacy
As the Almighty heightened his beacon
١١. بسعادةٍ وسيادةٍ أبديّةٍ
قدماً وقد أعلى العزيزُ مناره
12. Praise be to God who revived the glories of his house
And perpetuated its imprints through the ages
١٢. لله من أحيا مآثرَ بيته
وأدام في طول المدى آثاره
13. Inheriting consecutive glories from forebears
Until they became his creed amongst people
١٣. ورثَ المفاخر كابراً عن كابر
حتى غدتْ بين الأنامِ شِعاره
14. A lofty and noble person, his worth and status
Meet for leadership and governance
١٤. شهمٌ فخيمٌ قدرُه ومقامه
كفءٌ لدست سياسةٍ وإداره
15. Ask the horizons of intimacy about his biography
Tsen of the august court and ministry
١٥. سَلْ مشرقاتِ الأُنس عن تاريخه
طسن على عزِّ الصهارةِ والوزاره