1. Go away by yourself from a land where you are wronged
And do not be of those who miss their families and fret
١. اِرحَل بِنَفسِكَ مِن أَرضٍ تُضامُ بِها
وَلا تَكُن مِن فِراقِ الأَهلِ في حُرَقِ
2. For uncured amber is but fossil dung where it originated
And in exile it is worn around the neck as a jewel
٢. فَالعَنبَرُ الخامُ رَوثٌ في مَواطِنِهِ
وَفي التَغَرُّبِ مَحمولٌ عَلى العُنُقِ
3. And antimony is but a stone in its native land
Cast away unwanted on the roads
٣. وَالكُحلُ نَوعٌ مِنَ الأَحجارِ تَنظُرُهُ
في أَرضِهِ وَهوَ مُرميٌّ عَلى الطُرُقِ
4. Yet when it traveled abroad it gained superiority
And came to be borne between eyelid and eyeball
٤. لَمّا تَغَرَّبَ حازَ الفَضلَ أَجمَعَهُ
فَصارَ يُحمَلُ بَينَ الجَفنِ وَالحَدَقِ