1. My heart finds intimacy with You, O Allah,
In secret and openly, at dawn and dusk.
١. قَلبي بِرَحمَتِكَ اللَهُمَّ ذو أُنُسِ
في السِرِّ وَالجَهرِ وَالإِصباحِ وَالغَلَسِ
2. I turn in my sleep and with every breath
Your remembrance is between my soul and my soul.
٢. ماتَقَلَّبتُ مِن نَومي وَفي سِنَتي
إِلّا وَذِكرُكَ بَينَ النَفسِ وَالنَفَسِ
3. You have blessed my heart with knowing
That You are Allah, Lord of bounty and holiness.
٣. لَقَد مَنَنتَ عَلى قَلبي بِمَعرِفَةٍ
بِأَنَّكَ اللَهُ ذو الآلاءِ وَالقُدسِ
4. I came with sins You know full well,
Yet You did not disgrace me for what I did in error.
٤. وَقَد أَتَيتُ ذُنوباً أَنتَ تَعلَمُها
وَلَم تَكُن فاضِحي فيها بِفِعلِ مَسي
5. So grace me with remembering the righteous,
And do not make me, in religion, one of confusion.
٥. فَاِمنُن عَلَيَّ بِذِكرِ الصالِحينَ وَلا
تَجعَل عَلَيَّ إِذاً في الدينِ مِن لَبَسِ
6. Be with me all my life and afterlife
And on the Day I am resurrected by what You sent down at the frown.
٦. وَكُن مَعي طولَ دُنيايَ وَآخِرَتي
وَيَومَ حَشري بِما أَنزَلتَ في عَبَسِ