1. If you wish to live serene and healthy, far from vice
With faith secure and reputation without flaw,
١. إِذا رُمتَ أَن تَحيا سَليماً مِنَ الرَدى
وَدينُكَ مَوفورٌ وَعِرضُكَ صَيِّنُ
2. Then let no word escape your tongue to cause offence
For all is blemish, and men's tongues will talk their fill
٢. فَلا يَنطِقَن مِنكَ اللِسانُ بِسَوأَةٍ
فَكُلُّكَ سَوءاتٌ وَلِلناسِ أَلسُنُ
3. Your eyes reveal defects; ignore what they present
And say "My eyes, all men have eyes, and so do I"
٣. وَعَيناكَ إِن أَبدَت إِلَيكَ مَعائِباً
فَدَعها وَقُل يا عَينُ لِلناسِ أَعيُنُ
4. Show grace in conduct, and forgiveness to transgressors,
Defend yourself, but in the best and noblest way
٤. وَعاشِر بِمَعروفٍ وَسامِح مَنِ اِعتَدى
وَدافِع وَلَكِن بِالَّتي هِيَ أَحسَنُ