
There is no rest for one of sense and manners

ما في المقام لذي عقل وذي أدب

1. There is no rest for one of sense and manners
In his homeland, so journey abroad and be a stranger

١. ما في المَقامِ لِذي عَقلٍ وَذي أَدَبِ
مِن راحَةٍ فَدَعِ الأَوطانَ وَاِغتَرِبِ

2. Travel and find recompense for those you leave
Exert yourself, for the sweetest life is with strife

٢. سافِر تَجِد عِوَضاً عَمَّن تُفارِقُهُ
وَاِنصَب فَإِنَّ لَذيذَ العَيشِ في النَصَبِ

3. I saw still water go bad and stale
While flowing water stays fresh and hale

٣. إِنّي رَأَيتُ وُقوفَ الماءِ يُفسِدُهُ
إِن ساحَ طابَ وَإِن لَم يَجرِ لَم يَطِبِ

4. Without leaving land, lions wouldn't hunt
Without leaving bows, arrows wouldn't find their mark

٤. وَالأُسدُ لَولا فِراقُ الأَرضِ مااِفتَرَسَت
وَالسَهمُ لَولا فِراقُ القَوسِ لَم يُصِبِ

5. If the sun stood still in the sky forever
People of East and West would soon tire of her

٥. وَالشَمسُ لَو وَقَفَت في الفُلكِ دائِمَةً
لَمَلَّها الناسُ مِن عُجمٍ وَمِن عَرَبِ

6. Pearls in their beds are like dirt clods lying
Trees in their roots are just so much firewood drying

٦. وَالتِبرُ كَالتُربِ مُلقىً في أَماكِنِهِ
وَالعودُ في أَرضِهِ نَوعٌ مِنَ الحَطَبِ

7. When this one travels, his quest gains force
When that one travels, he's worth his weight in gold, of course

٧. فَإِن تَغَرَّبَ هَذا عَزَّ مَطلَبُهُ
وَإِن تَغَرَّبَ ذاكَ عَزَّ كَالذَهَبِ