
Knowledge is the root of all pride, so take pride in it

العلم مغرس كل فخر فافتخر

1. Knowledge is the root of all pride, so take pride in it
And beware lest the pride of that root escape you

١. العِلمُ مَغرَسُ كُلِّ فَخرٍ فَاِفتَخِر
وَاِحذَر يَفوتُكَ فَخرُ ذاكَ المَغرَسِ

2. And know that knowledge is not attained
By one whose concern is food or clothes

٢. وَاِعلَم بِأَنَّ العِلمَ لَيسَ يَنالُهُ
مَن هَمُّهُ في مَطعَمٍ أَو مَلبَسِ

3. No friend of knowledge is one who busies himself with it
Whether destitute or well dressed

٣. لا أَخو العِلمِ الَذي يُعنى بِهِ
في حالَتَيهِ عارِيا أَو مُكتَسي

4. So make for yourself a goodly share of it
And neglect for it the comfort of sleep and gloom

٤. فَاِجعَل لِنَفسِكَ مِنهُ حَظّاً وافِراً
وَاِهجُر لَهُ طيبَ الرُقادِ وَعَبسِ

5. Perhaps one day you will attend a gathering
Where you are the chief and pride of that gathering

٥. فَلَعَلَّ يَوماً حَضَرتَ بِمَجلِسٍ
كُنتَ الرَئيسَ وَفَخرَ ذاكَ المَجلِسِ