
Shall I scatter pearls among the carefree camels

أأنثر درا بين سارحة البهم

1. Shall I scatter pearls among the carefree camels
And compose prose for the shepherdess?

١. أَأَنثُرُ دُرّاً بَينَ سارِحَةِ البَهمِ
وَأَنظِمُ مَنثوراً لِراعِيَةِ الغَنَمِ

2. By my life! Even if I am lost in an evil town
I am not lost among them, the calamities of words

٢. لَعَمري لَئِن ضُيِّعتُ في شَرِّ بَلدَةٍ
فَلَستُ مُضيعاً فيهِمُ غُرَرَ الكَلِم

3. If the Almighty God facilitates with His kindness
And I meet people receptive to knowledge and wisdom

٣. لَئِن سَهَّلَ اللَهُ العَزيزُ بِلِطفِهِ
وَصادَفتُ أَهلاً لِلعُلومِ وَلِلحِكَم

4. I will spread benefit and gain their affection
Otherwise it remains concealed with me, unuttered

٤. بَثَثتُ مُفيداً وَاِستَفَدتُ وِدادَهُم
وَإِلّا فَمَكنونٌ لَدَيَّ وَمُكتَتِم

5. He who grants knowledge to the ignorant wastes it
And he who denies the deserving has done wrong

٥. وَمَن مَنَحَ الجُهّالَ عِلماً أَضاعَهُ
وَمَن مَنَعَ المُستَوجِبينَ فَقَد ظَلَم