
My soul's fire faded when my beloved left,

خبت نار نفسي باشتعال مفارقي

1. My soul's fire faded when my beloved left,
And my night darkened when its meteors lit it.

١. خَبَت نارُ نَفسي بِاشتِعالِ مَفارِقي
وَأَظلَمَ لَيلي إِذ أَضاءَ شِهابُها

2. O owl nested arrogantly on my resolve -
Away with you though your fledglings twitter!

٢. أَيا بومَةً قَد عَشَّشَت فَوقَ هامَتي
عَلى الرُغمِ مِنّي حينَ طارَ غُرابُها

3. You saw time ravage me and visited my ruins,
Though ruins are your home from all lands.

٣. رَأَيتِ خَرابَ العُمرِ مِنّي فَزُرتِني
وَمَأواكِ مِن كُلِّ الدِيارِ خَرابُها

4. Can I live in comfort when gray appears,
Though henna's disguise may profit it naught?

٤. أَأَنعَمُ عَيشاً بَعدَ ما حَلَّ عارِضِي
طَلائِعُ شَيبٍ لَيسَ يُغني خَضابُها

5. When a man's hue pales and his hair whitens,
The sweet days of his life become bitter.

٥. إِذا اِصفَرَّ لَونُ المَرءِ وَاِبيَضَّ شَعرُهُ
تَنَغَّصَ مِن أَيّامِهِ مُستَطابُها

6. Leave the moral faults alone, for piety
Forbids the righteous soul to commit them.

٦. فَدَع عَنكَ سَوآتِ الأُمورِ فَإِنَّها
حَرامٌ عَلى نَفسِ التَقيِّ اِرتِكابُها

7. Give your fame its alms, and understand
It's like the alms upon wealth when due.

٧. وَأَدِّ زَكاةَ الجاهِ وَاِعلَم بِأَنَّها
كَمِثلِ زَكاةِ المالِ تَمَّ نِصابُها

8. Do good unto the noble and gain their necks -
To gain them is the best commerce of honor.

٨. وَأَحسِن إِلى الأَحرارِ تَملِك رِقابَهُم
فَخَيرُ تِجاراتِ الكِرامِ اِكتِسابُها

9. Walk not haughtily upon the earth's surface
For soon enough it will hold you in its dust.

٩. وَلا تَمشِيَن في مَنكِبِ الأَرضِ فاخِراً
فَعَمّا قَليلٍ يَحتَويكَ تُرابُها

10. I have tasted of this world - it proffered
To us its sweet and bitter, pleasure and pain.

١٠. وَمَن يَذُقِ الدُنيا فَإِنّي طَعَمتُها
وَسيقَ إِلَينا عَذبُها وَعَذابِها

11. I found it naught but vanity and falseness,
Like mirages upon the horizon's breadth.

١١. فَلَم أَرَها إِلّا غُروراً وَباطِلاً
كَما لاحَ في ظَهرِ الفَلاةِ سَرابُها

12. It is but a vile carcass fought over
By dogs whose only care is to drag at it.

١٢. وَماهِيَ إِلّا جِيَفَةٌ مُستَحيلَةٌ
عَلَيها كِلابٌ هَمُّهُنَّ اِجتِذابُها

13. If you avoid it you'll live in peace with its people,
But if you seek it its hounds will contest you.

١٣. فَإِن تَجتَنِبها كُنتَ سِلماً لِأَهلِها
وَإِن تَجتَذِبها نازَعَتكَ كِلابُها

14. Happy the soul that lodged in its home's depth,
Doors barred, curtains drawn, hidden from all.

١٤. فَطوبى لِنَفسٍ أُولِعَت قَعرَ دارِها
مُغَلِّقَةَ الأَبوابِ مُرخَىً حِجابُها