
O preacher of men for what you yourself do

يا واعظ الناس عما أنت فاعله

1. O preacher of men for what you yourself do
O you upon whom life is counted by breaths

١. يا واعِظَ الناسِ عَمّا أَنتَ فاعِلُهُ
يا مَن يُعَدُّ عَلَيهِ العُمرُ بِالنَفَسِ

2. Protect your old age from disgrace that soils it
Whiteness bears little dirt and filth

٢. اِحفَظ لِشَيبِكَ مِن عَيبٍ يُدَنِّسُهُ
إِنَّ البَياضَ قَليلُ الحَملِ لِلدَنَسِ

3. Like one who washes people's clothes
While his own clothes are sunk in filth and impurity

٣. كَحامِلٍ لِثِيابِ الناسِ يَغسِلُها
وَثَوبُهُ غارِقٌ في الرِجسِ وَالنَجَسِ

4. You seek salvation but do not walk its path
A ship does not sail on dry land

٤. تَبغي النَجاةَ وَلَم تَسلُك طَريقَتَها
إِنَّ السَفينَةَ لا تَجري عَلى اليَبَسِ

5. Riding the bier makes you forget riding
What you used to ride of mule and horse

٥. رُكوبُكَ النَعشَ يُنسيكَ الرُكوبَ عَلى
ما كُنتَ تَركَبُ مِن بَغلٍ وَمِن فَرَسِ

6. On the Day of Resurrection there is no money or child
And the narrowness of the grave makes you forget the wedding night

٦. يَومَ القِيامَةِ لا مالٌ وَلا وَلَدٌ
وَضَمَّةُ القَبرِ تُنسي لَيلَةَ العُرسِ