
With my humiliating stance, not your great pride,

بموقف ذلي دون عزتك العظمى

1. With my humiliating stance, not your great pride,
With a secret I do not fully comprehend,

١. بِمَوقِفِ ذُلّي دونَ عِزَّتِكَ العُظمى
بِمَخفِيِّ سِرٍّ لا أُحيطُ بِهِ علِما

2. With my bowed head, confessing my lowliness,
With outstretched hands, I implore your kindness and mercy,

٢. بِإِطراقِ رَأسي بِاِعتِرافي بِذِلَّتي
بِمَدِّ يَدي أَستَمطِرُ الجودَ وَالرُحمى

3. With your beautiful names, some of whose greatness
Would overwhelm prose and verse,

٣. بِأَسمائِكَ الحُسنى الَّتي بَعضُ وَصفِها
لِعِزَّتِها يَستَغرِقُ النَثرَ وَالنَظما

4. With an ancient covenant, was I not your Lord?
With the one who was unknown, made known by names,

٤. بِعَهدٍ قَديمٍ مِن أَلَستُ بِرَبِّكُم
بِمَن كانَ مَجهولاً فَعُرِّفَ بِالأَسما

5. Give us the draught of intimacy, O You who, when You give
A lover to drink, neither cheats nor is stingy.

٥. أَذِقنا شَرابَ الأُنسِ يا مَن إِذا سَقى
مُحِبّاً شَراباً لا يُضامُ وَلا يَظما