1. When my heart grew harsh and my ways narrowed,
I made hope of Your forgiveness a ladder.
١. وَلَمّا قَسا قَلبي وَضاقَت مَذاهِبي
جَعَلتُ الرَجا مِنّي لِعَفوِكَ سُلَّما
2. My sin overwhelmed me, but when I compared it
To Your pardon, my Lord, Your pardon was greater.
٢. تَعاظَمَني ذَنبي فَلَمّا قَرَنتُهُ
بِعَفوِكَ رَبّي كانَ عَفوُكَ أَعظَما
3. You whose pardon for sin has never ceased,
You go on pardoning graciously and generously.
٣. فَما زِلتَ ذا عَفوٍ عَنِ الذَنبِ لَم تَزَل
تَجودُ وَتَعفو مِنَّةً وَتَكَرُّما
4. Without You, no worshipper could withstand Iblis,
So how when he misled Your intimate Adam?
٤. فَلَولاكَ لَم يَصمُد لِإِبليسَ عابِدٌ
فَكَيفَ وَقَد أَغوى صَفِيَّكَ آدَما
5. Praise be to the knowing mystic whose streaming tears
Flow copiously from the excess of his fervor.
٥. فَلِلَّهِ دَرُّ العارِفِ النَدبِ إِنَّهُ
تَفيضُ لِفَرطِ الوَجدِ أَجفانُهُ دَما
6. When the night spreads its darkness,
He holds a wake for himself, fearing intensely.
٦. يُقيمُ إِذا ما اللَيلُ مَدَّ ظَلامَهُ
عَلى نَفسِهِ مَن شِدَّةِ الخَوفِ مَأتَما
7. Shouting, when in remembrance of his Lord,
And in all else in the world, mute.
٧. فَصيحاً إِذا ما كانَ في ذِكرِ رَبِّهِ
وَفي ما سِواهُ في الوَرى كانَ أَعجَما
8. And he remembers days that passed in his youth,
When in ignorance he sinned.
٨. وَيَذكُرُ أَيّاماً مَضَت مِن شَبابِهِ
وَما كانَ فيها بِالجَهالَةِ أَجرَما
9. So he became companion to care all day,
Brother to wakefulness, when the night darkens,
٩. فَصارَ قَرينَ الهَمِّ طولَ نَهارِهِ
أَخا الشُهدِ وَالنَجوى إِذا اللَيلُ أَظلَما
10. Saying: My Beloved, You are my request and goal.
You suffice seekers as request and profit.
١٠. يَقولُ حَبيبي أَنتَ سُؤلي وَبُغيَتي
كَفى بِكَ لِلراجينَ سُؤلاً وَمَغنَما
11. Are You not He who fed me and guided me
And never ceased to favor me and bless me?
١١. أَلَستَ الَّذي غَذَّيتَني وَهَدَيتَني
وَلا زِلتَ مَنّاناً عَلَيَّ وَمُنعِما
12. May He of bounty forgive my slip
And veil my sins and what went before.
١٢. عَسى مَن لَهُ الإِحسانُ يَغفِرُ زَلَّتي
وَيَستُرُ أَوزاري وَما قَد تَقَدَّما