
When in an assembly we mention Ali

إذا في مجلس نذكر علياً

1. When in an assembly we mention Ali
And his two sons and Fatima the pure

١. إِذا في مَجلِسٍ نَذكُر عَلِيّاً
وَسِبطَيهِ وَفاطِمَةَ الزَكِيَّه

2. It is said: "Move on, O people, from this!"
"For this is the talk of the Rejecters!"

٢. يُقالُ تَجاوَزوا يا قَومُ هَذا
فَهَذا مِن حَديثِ الرافِضِيَّه

3. I disavow, to the Guardian, people
Who see rejection as love for Fatima

٣. بَرِئتُ إِلى المُهَيمِنِ مِن أُناسٍ
يَرَونَ الرَّفضَ حُبَّ الفاطِمِيَّه
