1. When in an assembly we mention Ali
And his two sons and Fatima the pure
١. إِذا في مَجلِسٍ نَذكُر عَلِيّاً
وَسِبطَيهِ وَفاطِمَةَ الزَكِيَّه
2. It is said: "Move on, O people, from this!"
"For this is the talk of the Rejecters!"
٢. يُقالُ تَجاوَزوا يا قَومُ هَذا
فَهَذا مِن حَديثِ الرافِضِيَّه
3. I disavow, to the Guardian, people
Who see rejection as love for Fatima
٣. بَرِئتُ إِلى المُهَيمِنِ مِن أُناسٍ
يَرَونَ الرَّفضَ حُبَّ الفاطِمِيَّه