1. I woke him while the stars of night still shone bright,
The dawn was cracking, the morn had started to light,
١. نَبَّهْتُهُ ونجومُ الليلِ زاهرةٌ
والفجرُ منصدعٌ والصبحُ قد لاحا
2. The night was retreating, its armies had flown,
The meadow was smiling, the flowers had blown,
٢. والليلُ منهزمٌ وَلَّتْ عساكرُهُ
والروضُ مبتسمٌ والزهرُ قد فاحا
3. He rose and with palms rubbed the sleep from his eyes,
I left him, a lamp in night's darkness that lies.
٣. فقام يمسحُ عينيه براحتهِ
فخلتُهُ في ظلامِ الليلِ مصباحا