1. I forgave the days for the sin of parting,
When I escaped from bidding them farewell with an embrace.
١. غفرتُ للأيامِ ذنبَ الفراقْ
أنْ فزتُ من توديعهمْ بالعناقْ
2. I did not forget them, nor they me, during a halt,
Like honey and ginger at the time of tasting.
٢. ما أَنسَ لا أنسَ لهم وَقْفَةً
كالشهدِ والعلقمِ عندَ المذاق
3. I mixed in it the tears of their farewell,
When the distance was brought near at the arrival of separation.
٣. مزجتُ فيها درَّ أسلاكهم
إذ أزفَ البين بدرِّ المآق
4. They departed while my heart was among their groans,
So let them chant it among those comrades.
٤. ساروا وقلبي بين أظعانهمْ
فلينشدوهُ بين تلكَ الرفاق
5. No welcome to the lightning unless
It waters the high grounds of Al Burāq.
٥. لا مرحباً بالبرقِ ما لم يكنْ
تسقي عزاليه رسومَ البُراق
6. Where the white domes are pitched,
Guarded by night patrols and white fine linen.
٦. حيثُ القبابُ البيضُ مضروبةٌ
تحرسُها سُمْرٌ وبيضٌ رقاق
7. Bearing amidst them a maiden,
Whose load makes the heart unbearable.
٧. تحملُ في أثنائها غادةً
يحملُ منها القلبُ ما لا يطاق
8. A visionary smiling from a smiled one,
As if it was made of pearls from her.
٨. حاليةً تبسمُ عن مبسمٍ
كمثلِ ما قُلِّد منها التَّراق
9. She has a complexion from the dusk of night,
Or blood shed with a glance from her.
٩. من شَفَقِ الليلِ لها وجنةٌ
أو من دمٍ باللحظِ منها يراق
10. Weak in glance and waist, so neither
This amorous glance nor that slim waist bear.
١٠. ضعيفةٌ طرفاً وخصراً فما
يُطيقُ ذا اللحظَ ولا ذا النِّطاق
11. She wandered about the dunes with her trains,
And competed the full moon with defiance.
١١. تاهت على البانِ بأعْطافها
وعَيَّرَتْ بدرَ الدُّجى بالمُحاقْ
12. She sent a twig that became colored in the morning,
Like the mark of one deprived of meeting her.
١٢. وأرسلتْ فَرْعَاً غدا لَوْنُهُ
كحالِ مَنْ يُحْرَمُ منها التَّلاق
13. She brought the dawn back a night,
Until I imagined my morning was a relapse.
١٣. أَعادتِ الصبحَ ليلةً
حتى تَوَهَّمْتُ صَبوحي اغتباق
14. The dwellings of the living were watered at the curve,
From the torrents of affection or the flowing tears.
١٤. سقى ديارَ الحيِّ بالمنحنى
من سَبَلِ المُزْنِ أو الدمعِ ساق
15. How many nights fevered I shortened,
With a kiss and embrace.
١٥. كم ليلةٍ لي بعقيقِ الحمى
قَصَّرتها باللثم والاعتناق
16. The night did not don its darkness,
Until the dawn clothed it with a porch.
١٦. ما ادَّرَعَ الليلُ بظلمائه
حتى كساه الصبحُ منه رُواقْ
17. So its stars tossed about complaining,
Some to others, of the agony of parting.
١٧. فانجفلت أنجمه فاشتكى
للبعضِ منها البعضُ وَشْكَ الفراق
18. But the Pleiades intend to lay their heads,
Galloping westward with the race of the excellent horses.
١٨. أما الثريَّا فنَوى رأسها
يركضُ نحو الغربِ ركضَ السباق
19. And the eagle of the stars flew after,
The raven of darkness, seeking to catch up.
١٩. وطار في إثرِ غرابِ الدُّجى
نسرُ النجومِ الزُّهرِ يبغي اللحاق
20. And the dawn woke up after the remote journey,
Like one who recovered from a swoon.
٢٠. وانتبَه الصبحُ بُعَيْدَ الكرى
كذي هوىً مِن غَشيَةٍ قد أَفاق
21. And the sailor repeated his pining,
Until we reckoned him a comrade of yearning.
٢١. ورجَّع المُكَّاءُ تَحْنِينَهُ
حتى حسِبناهُ حليفَ اشتياق
22. In a garden its branches taught,
The people of passion how is the embrace.
٢٢. في روضةٍ علَّم أغصانُها
أهلَ الهوى العذريِّ كيف العناق
23. The morning breeze blew him in the early darkness,
So the trees leaned, stalk after stalk.
٢٣. هبّتْ به ريحُ الصِّبا سُحْرةً
فالتفَّتِ الأشجارُ ساقاً بساق
24. Those were nights, that after
I praised, living was hard with the agony of parting.
٢٤. تلك الليالي أعْقَبَتْ بعد ما
أحمدْتُها عيشاً بوشكِ الفراق