
Gardens clad in green cloaks were dressed,

وحدائق خضر المعاطف ألبست

1. Gardens clad in green cloaks were dressed,
With robes of emerald for their beauty's sake.

١. وحدائقٍ خُضْرِ المعاطِفِ أُلْبِسَتْ
منْ حُسْنِ بهجتها ثيابَ زبرجد

2. The sun cast off its garment's train upon them,
Beneath the blossoms their emerald did wake.

٢. زَرَّتْ عليها الشمسُ فَضْلَ ردائها
فبدا زَبَرْجَدُهُنَّ تحتَ العسجد