
And there were gardens of anemones

ورياض من الشقائق أضحت

1. And there were gardens of anemones
Where the breeze of the winds wandered

١. ورياضٍ منَ الشقائقِ أضْحَتْ
يتهادَى فيها نسيمُ الرياحِ

2. I visited them while the clouds
Plucked flowers whose color pleased the soul

٢. زرتُها والغمامُ يجلدُ منها
زَهَراتٍ تروقُ لون الراحِ

3. I said "what is their fault?" and the answer came
"They stole the redness of the rosy cheeks"

٣. قلتُ ما ذنبُها فقال مجيباً
سَرَقَتْ حُمْرَةَ الخدودِ الملاح