1. O lightning that reminds of a beautiful, fluttering gazelle
Whose breath carries the fragrances of musk and ambergris
١. أيا برقُ نافحْ ذكرَ ظبيٍ مهفهفٍ
حوى نفحاتِ المسكِ والندِّ ريَّاهُ
2. It commanded me to abandon the harshness of obligations
That make my eyes continuously weep out of yearning for it
٢. قسا فرماني عنْ قِسيِّ حواجبٍ
تنوبُ لها دأباً عن الرشقِ عيناه
3. I wished for the one I love, though he is my killer
And the wishes of a man often lead to his demise
٣. تمنيتُ من أهوى به وهو قاتلي
وربَّ مُنىً للمرءِ فيها مناياه
4. Yet I was not cautious, attracted by his gentle affection
As he swayed intoxicated while the cups were heated
٤. وما راعني إلا تأوُّدُ عِطْفِهِ
وقد مالَ سُكراً والرضابُ حميَّاه
5. We shed blood in our love for him and tears
While he oppressed us with the injustice of his embrace
٥. أَذلنا دماءً في هواه وأدمعاً
وضنَّ لنا ظُلماً بِظَلْمِ ثناياه
6. Still, fervent longing did not cease rising high
For the most beautiful of visions I adore
٦. فما بَرِحَ الشوقُ المبرِّحُ سامياً
لأحوى حوى كلَّ المحاسنِ مرآه
7. His appearance, his lips, his temples and his cheeks
Are like the dawn sun, pearls, musk, and fragrant branches
٧. فمنظرُهُ والثغرُ منه وعَرْفُهُ
وقامتُهُ والردفُ منه وخدَّاهر
8. Of basil, chamomile, roses - they are all similar
٨. لشمسِ الضحى والدرِّ والمسكِ ونفحةً
وغصنِ النقا والدعصِ والورد أَشباه