1. The meadowsweet sways gently in the breeze
And the slender branches quiver in the cold
١. ومهفهفٍ نبتَ الشقيقُ بخده
واهتزَّ أملودُ النَّقا في بردهِ
2. The dew of youth and beauty is more brilliant than
The polished blade thirsty for blood
٢. ماء الشبيبة والجمال أرق من
صَقْلِ الحسامِ المنتضى وفِرِنْده
3. With but a glance he brings the souls to life
After they had shunned his love
٣. يُحيى الأنامَ بلمحةٍ منْ وَصْلِهِ
مِنْ بَعْدِ ما وردوا الحمامَ بصدّه
4. If you have given your heart to him, say
Which of my inner passions has he not gifted
٤. إن كنت أهديتَ الفؤادَ له فقلْ
أيّ الجوى لجوانحي لم يُهْدِه