1. There is conflict between me and the events,
In what days have inflicted upon the heights.
١. بيني وبينَ الحادثاتِ خصامُ
فيما جَنَتْهُ على العلا الأيَّام
2. They eclipsed the crescent of its sky after
It was endowed with the perfection of glory.
٢. كسفت هلالَ سمائِها من بعد ما
وافاهُ من كَرَمِ الجلالِ تمام
3. And they threw down the rod of its meadows with decay
While the clouds had watered it with youthful rain.
٣. ورمتْ قضيبَ رياضها بتقصفٍ
غضَّاً سقاه من الشباب غمام
4. Today the garden of virtues is barren,
And today the light of sciences is darkness.
٤. فاليومَ بستانُ المكارمِ ماحِلٌ
واليومَ نورُ المعلُواتِ ظلام
5. The turns of events intended, so they attained
Whoever did not distance their purpose.
٥. رامت صروفُ الحادثاتِ فأدركت
مَنْ كان لم يبعدْ عليه مرام
6. They took away his mind after
The swords and the pens prided in him.
٦. أودت بمهجته الليالي بعد ما
فخرت به الأسياف والأقلام
7. Tomorrow and yesterday glory trusted
That it would deter events, though they are monuments.
٧. وغدا وراح المجد ذا ثقة به
أن يردعَ الأحداثَ وهي جسام
8. And qualities were manifest to it from its condition
That fancies cannot be guided to its attributes.
٨. وبدتْ عليه من حلاهُ شمائلٌ
لا تهتدي لنعوتها الأوهام
9. Like the meadow when a cloud had embroidered it
And the musk when its seal was broken.
٩. كالروضِ لما دبّجتُهُ غمامة
والمسكِ لما فُضَّ عنه ختام
10. The stars wept for it as they are brides
And the clouds cried for it as it is the rain bearing clouds.
١٠. ناحتْ عليه الشهبُ وهي عرائسٌ
وبكى عليه الغيمُ وهوَ جهام
11. The shade of companionship has diminished so it is small
And the night of calamities has extended so it is complete.
١١. وانجابَ ظلُّ الأنسِ فهو مقلَّصٌ
وامتدَّ ليلُ الخطب فهو تمام
12. And the light of sun has cooled in the tender dawn
Until the sunrise and sunset became equal.
١٢. واربدَّ ضوءُ الشمسِ في رأد الضحى
حتى استوى الإشراقُ والإظلام
13. What is happening to the tears, the ground is not moistened by them
While the great masters are sleeping in it.
١٣. ما للمدامعِ لا يُطَلُّ بها الثرى
والسادةُ الكبراء فيه نيام
14. Is that how a sweet and refined one perishes?
Is that how a gloomy and miserable one attains?
١٤. أَكذا يُبادُ حلاحلٌ ومهذَّبٌ
أَكذا يُنالُ مُسَوَّدٌ وهمام
15. How miserable is the time! Its days
And our standing in its shadow are but dreams.
١٥. تَعِسَ الزمان فإنَّما أيامه
ومقامنا في ظلِّها أحلام
16. We will see the abodes while they are in ruin after their companion
The features and bodies are in ruins.
١٦. لنرى الديارَ وهنَّ بعد أنيسها
دُرُسُ المعالمِ والجسومِ رِمام
17. And the eagles are captured in the nets of loss
While the daughters of the bier are orphans in the darkness.
١٧. والنسرُ مقتَنصٌ بأشراكِ الرَّدى
وبناتُ نعشٍ في الدجى أيتام
18. By my father! A slain, killer whose goodness of consolation
Since the arrows of death targeted him.
١٨. بأبي قتيلٌ قاتلٌ حُسْنَ العزا
مذ أَقصدته من المنونِ سهام
19. The mother of affliction betrayed him after
The auspicious Thursday slipped away while it attacks.
١٩. غدرتْ به أُمُّ اللهيمِ وطالما
فلَّ الخميسَ المجرَ وهو لُهام
20. And his Lord refused for him except martyrdom
And his light, might and audacity.
٢٠. وأبى له إلاَّ الشهادةَ ربُّهُ
ومضاؤُهُ والبأسُ والإقدام
21. Loss took away my courageous father in a manner
That pleased him while the vultures and eagles fell down.
٢١. فتك الردى بأبي شجاعٍ فتكةً
زلَّت لها رضوى وخرَّ شمام
22. Minds, calculations, morals, lamp, and reins were lost to it
The maidens of wars cried for his help and his party of God and Islam cried for him.
٢٢. فُقِدَتْ لها الألبابُ والأحسابُ وال
آداب والإسراج والإلجام
23. Which sword did away with him while between him first
And the edges of swords are reins?
٢٣. ندبته أبكارُ الحروبِ وعونها
وبكاهُ حزبُ الله والإسلام
24. And in which shroud did they bury him and he
Never wore armor in the grave?
٢٤. أيُّ السيوفِ قضى عليه وبينه
قِدْماً وبين ظبا السيوفِ ذِمام
25. It was only the blade that the purity of its casting
So the dust reclaimed it and the remains.
٢٥. وبأيِّ لحدٍ أودعوه وإنَّه
ما قَطُّ في الضريحِ حسام
26. O you who carry him, stand over him in a stance
That grief may be healed with it before farewell.
٢٦. ما كان إلاَّ التبرَ أُخلِصَ سبكُهُ
فاسْتَرْجَعَتْهُ تربةٌ ورغام
27. Return the friend of God so that he may be healed
From the most healing of that which cured pains.
٢٧. يا حامليه قِفوا عليه وقفةً
يَشْفَى بها قبل الوداع هُيام
28. Return the martyr and straighten him with tears
In case grief has distorted him with spears.
٢٨. رُدُّوا وليَّ الله حتى يُشْتَفى
من أروعٍ شُفِيَتْ به الآلام
29. Do not deliver him to the earth for to his sword
Surrender of his enemies has been since long.
٢٩. ردُّوا الشهيد نُسَقِّهِ من أَدمع
إنْ أَخلفتْ مُزْنٌ بهنَّ رهام
30. And bury him in the hearts and emotions
If he accepts that position therein.
٣٠. لا تسلموه إلى الثرى فلسيفِهِ
مذ كان من أعدائه استسلام
31. And inhale the scent of his praise for with it
The wrap of dawn is lowered from itself.
٣١. ولتدفنوه في الجوانحِ والحشا
إن كان يُرضيه هناك مَقام
32. Nothing has contained him in the belly of earth except
The pavilions of paradise have contained him.
٣٢. واستنشقوا لثنائِهِ عَرْفَاً به
ينحطُّ عن نفسِ الصباح لثام
33. God's prayers be upon him as the dawn sprigged
A branch and the dove sang for him.
٣٣. ما ضمَّهُ بطنُ الثرى إلا وقد
ضمَّتْه في دارِ النعيمِ خيام
34. O eye, be composed and O tears, be gentle
And know that blaming is forbidden.
٣٤. صلى عليه الله ما ثنت الصبا
غصناً وما غنَّتْ عليه حمام
35. He in whom hope was established with his loyalty
Days betrayed him.
٣٥. يا عينُ شأنك والمدامعَ فاسمحي
ولتعلمي أن الهجوعَ حرام
36. Console me with one of power that
His eyes are tearful after the spears.
٣٦. إن الذي كان الرجاءُ مشيّداً
بوفائِهِ غدرتْ به الأيام
37. Console me with a plucked flower that
Remained with no dress except the burial shroud.
٣٧. أَعززْ عليَّ بضيغمٍ ذي سطوةٍ
أَجماته بعد الرماحِ رِجام
38. Console me with one whose loss is hard upon the heights
If the wound of his loss healed the wounds.
٣٨. اعززْ عليَّ بزهرةٍ مطلولةٍ
أمست ولا غيرَ الضريحِ كِمام
39. If the wars had ended him, how much
His sword had ended the special ones and the protectors.
٣٩. اعززْ عليَّ بمنْ يعزُّ على العلا
إن غيل قَسْوَرُ غيلها الضرغام
40. Or he went, abandoned by demise, for long
The bodies had abandoned their souls.
٤٠. إن كان أفنتْهُ الحروبُ فشدَّ ما
فنيت بِمُنْصُلِهِ الطلى والهام
41. Bloodied by his blood, they are dead
While the eternal king stands over them.
٤١. أو راح مهجورَ الفِناءِ فطالما
هَجَرَتْ به أرواحَها الأجسام
42. Valour and audacity brought you to loss
If abstaining saved others from it.
٤٢. أمضرَّجٌ بدمائه هي ميتة
وَقْفٌ عليها السيد القمقام
43. You were there with the choice
But you stood firm while feet slipped.
٤٣. البأسُ والإقدام أوردكَ الردى
إن كان أنجى غيرَك الإحجام
44. None was found there except fleeing or loss
Yet you chose to meet death, and it is painful.
٤٤. قد كنتَ في ذاك المقام مخيَّراً
لكن ثبتَّ وزلَّتِ الأقدام
45. The glories and heights and loftiness refused for you
Any blemish, O kind and strong pillar.
٤٥. لم يُلْفَ فيه سوى الفرارِ أو الردى
فاخترتَ صَرْفَ الموتِ وهو زؤام
46. The night after you is endless with no end
So its hours are like years.
٤٦. وأبتْ لك الذمَّ المكارمُ والعلا
والسمهريُّ اللدنُ والصمصام
47. Joy is grief, happiness is gloom
Sleep is oblivion, and life is worry.
٤٧. الليلُ بعدك سرمدٌ لا ينقضي
فكأنما ساعاتُهُ أعوام
48. For whom did glory lie down while it is like
An old relic that dawn and clouds have ruined?
٤٨. والأنْسُ غمٌّ والسرورُ كآبةٌ
والنومُ سُهْدٌ والحياةُ حمام
49. And for whom did you leave the sword blades while they are
Branded with ineptness though they are generous?
٤٩. لمن اطَّرحَت المجد وهو كأنه
طَلَلٌ تعفّيه صباً وغمام
50. The loss of my courageous father sighed a sigh
After which no waistband remained for them.
٥٠. ولمن تركتَ الصافناتِ كأنَّها
موسومةٌ باللؤمِ وهي كرام
51. His sadness filled the hearts so each of them
Is a cup and wine is pouring into it from a pitcher.
٥١. زَفَرَتْ لموتِ أبي شجاعٍ زفرةً
لم يبقَ ساعَتَها لهنَّ حزام
52. Loud wailing for him increased after the news of him
Until it was as if both worlds were wailing.
٥٢. عمَّتْ رزيَّتُهُ القلوبَ فكلُّها
كاسٌ وأنواعُ المدامِ حمام
53. And the tears of the singers strung their necklaces
Had their necklaces no system.
٥٣. كَثُرَ العويلُ عليه بعد نعيِّه
حتى كأنَّ العالمين حمام
54. O you who carry the coffin! Where are his steeds?
O you who clothe him with dust! Where are the banners?
٥٤. وحكتْ دموعَ الغانياتِ عقودُها
لو لم يكن لعقودهنَّ نظام
55. Where is the generosity, eloquence and prohibition from him?
Where is the benevolence and reverence?
٥٥. يا حاملينَ النعشَ أين جيادُهُ
يا ملبسيه التربَ أين اللام
56. The glory of God has verily become under his majesty
A cover of skin that is not desirable.
٥٦. أينَ السماحةُ والفصاحةُ والنهى
منه وأين الجودُ والإكرام
57. O courageous father! If you are veiled with a cloak
Then flowers grow even on hills and dunes.
٥٧. أضحى لعمرُ الله دونَ جلاله
سترٌ من الأجداث ليس يرام
58. Stand and see the guards around you celebrating
If that were possible for them in the morning.
٥٨. أأبا شجاعٍ إنْ حُجِبْتَ بربوةٍ
فالزهرُ منبتهُ رُبىً وأَكام
59. And listen to the wailing of their crying for the voices and banners cried
For their crying such that days deafened them to it.
٥٩. قم تبصرِ الخفراتِ حولك حُسَّراً
لو كان يمكنُهُ الغداةَ قيام
60. I knew you a planet whose towers
Were the vessels of misfortune and the sky was darkness.
٦٠. واسمعْ عويلَ بكائها فلقد بكتْ
لبكائها الأصواء والأعلام
61. And I knew your sword a stream on its bank
The day of hated matters to the souls.
٦١. ضجَّتْ لمصرعكَ النوادبُ ضجَّةً
سدَّت مسامعَها لها الأيام
62. So receive good news! The house of eternity has appointed you
And congratulations! In it is bliss and permanence.
٦٢. ولقد عهدتُك كوكباً أَبراجه
جُرْدُ المذاكي والسماءُ قتام
63. The clouds passed over your tomb greeting
So greetings and peace be upon the clouds!
٦٣. وعهدتُ سيفك جدولاً في وِردِهِ
يومَ الكريهة للنفوسِ هيام
٦٤. فابشرْ فدارُ الخلد منكَ بموعدٍ
واهنأ ففيها غبطةٌ ودوام
٦٥. مرَّ الغمامُ على ثراك محيِّياً
فعلى الغمامِ تحيَّةٌ وسلام