1. The meadows were scented with fragrance, so I visited them,
And places like these deserve to be visited.
١. تأرَّجَ مطلولُ الروابي فَزُرْتُها
وأمثالُ هاتيكَ الربى يَقْتَضي الزَّوْرا
2. Spring adorned me with its roses,
Their aroma filled the air as dawn broke.
٢. وأتحفني منها الربيعُ بِوَرْدِهِ
عبيراً به الأنفاسُ إذ فَتَقَ النورا
3. A breeze told tales of whom I adore,
So I split it in two and kissed it repeatedly.
٣. حكتْ نفحةً ممّن هَوِيْتُ ووَجْنَةً
فأنْشُقُها طَوْرَاً وألثمها طَوْرَا
4. She served me wine with her right hand and I became eternally drunk,
Torn between this one and that in my intoxication.
٤. سَقَتْني بيُمْناها وفيها فلم أزل
يُجاذبني من ذاكَ أو هذهِ سُكْرُ
5. I sipped her mouth, sipping her cup,
By God, I couldn't tell which was the wine.
٥. ترشّفتُ فاهاً إذ ترَشّفتُ كأسَها
فَلا والهوى لم أَدْرِ أيَّهما الخمر