
I ransomed her from a deceptive spring,

فديتها من نبعة زوراء

1. I ransomed her from a deceptive spring,
Passionately in love with the enemy's warriors.

١. فدَّيْتُها من نبعةٍ زَوْرَاءِ
مشغوفةٍ بمَقاتلِ الأعداءِ

2. She was accustomed to the doves of Al-Ayk, her peers,
And today she is tamed, with the broken "Haa".

٢. أَلِفَتْ حَمامَ الأيكِ وهي نضيرةٌ
واليومَ تألفُها بكسر الحاءِ