1. He is the one whom tears do not disobey his command
So pleading to the reproacher is excused in its outpouring
١. هُوَ البينُ لا تَعصِي الدُمُوعُ لَهُ أَمرا
فَعُذراً إِلى العُذّال في فَيضِها عُذرا
2. And woe to the nights' events, for they
Are peaceful one day and warring for ages
٢. وَتعساً لأحداثِ الليالي فَإِنَّها
مَسالِمَةٌ يَوماً وَحارِبَةٌ دَهرا
3. Being parted from you, O Abdullah, did not leave passion
In its state, or allow water and ember to join
٣. فِراقُكَ عَبدَ اللَهِ لَم يَدَعِ الهَوى
عَلى حالِهِ أَو يُجمَعَ الماءُ وَالجَمرا
4. And it is but tears and burning misery
Passion kills patience between them both
٤. وَما هِيَ إِلّا أَدمُعٌ وَلَواعِجٌ
يُميتُ الغَرامُ الصَبرَ بَينَهُما صَبرا
5. So from a separation I suffered, after another separation
And from anguish, in its wake, another anguish
٥. فَمِن فُرقَةٍ قاسَيتُها بَعدَ فُرقَةٍ
وَمِن لَوَعَةٍ في إِثرِها لَوعَةٌ أُخرى
6. Lovers departed and shed
Their tears white and I shed them red
٦. وَقَد فارَقَ الأَحبابَ قَومٌ فَأَسبَلُوا
دُمُوعَهُمُ بَيضاً وَأَسبَلتُها حُمرا
7. And they bid farewell but to the like of them
While from you I bid farewell to the bough and the full moon
٧. وَما وَدّعُوا إِلّا أُناساً كَمِثلِهِم
وَوَدّعت مِنكَ الغُصنَ وَالقمرَ البَدرا
8. So my heart, increase your woe and homesickness
And my skin, you will not endure patience with me
٨. فَيا كَبِدِي زِيدي ضَنىً وَصَبابَةً
وَيا جَلَدِي لَن تَستَطيع مَعي صَبرا